With your help, we have once again put Siduction on a secure financial footing. We have also renewed the infrastructure and made it fit for the future. What we are missing now is new blood.
At the moment there are 4 of us, besides me there are towo, vinzv and hendrikl. We all have time-consuming jobs and do the necessary work to maintain and publish siduction in our spare time. We would like help in growing our small team from you, the siduction community and your contacts outside our bubble.
This concerns the actual work, like maintaining desktop environments or especially the review of the automatically translated chapters of the manual, which we actually wanted to release with the upcoming release. Unfortunately, due to a move to another city, I did not get to take on this task.
On the other hand, this also concerns inspiration on how to proceed with siduction. Three of our team have been doing this job for almost 20 years with sidux, aptosid and now 10 years with siduction. I feel like we're more preserving than really innovating, and that's a shame. You guys can change that. We are counting on you!