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Please,please check the script first on the live shine-on iso image before you proceed.

If something fails you can always restart and report the failure. Be sure to have sudo
configured for the current user and don't worry if the hplip packages will get removed in
the process, you will get them back in a blink of an eye even before the script ends.

Have fun!

Code: [Select]

pushd .
sudo apt-get update
mkdir /tmp/hplip
mkdir /tmp/hptmp
cd /tmp/hplip
sudo apt-get install python3 python3.12
apt-get download python3
dpkg-deb -x /tmp/hplip/python3_3.13.1-2_amd64.deb /tmp/hptmp
dpkg-deb --control python3_3.13.1-2_amd64.deb /tmp/hptmp/DEBIAN
sed -i -e 's/python3-profiler/python3 (= 3.12), python3-profiler/g' /tmp/hptmp/DEBIAN/control
sed -i -e 's/Version: 3.13.1-2/Version: 3.13.1-2b/g' /tmp/hptmp/DEBIAN/control
dpkg-deb --root-owner-group -b /tmp/hptmp /tmp/hplip/python3_3.13.1-2b_amd64.deb
rm /tmp/hplip/python3_3.13.1-2_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i /tmp/hplip/*.deb
cd /tmp
rm -rf /tmp/hptmp /tmp/hplip

sudo apt-get install hplip hplip-data hplip-gui
grep -r '#!/usr/bin/python3' /usr/share/hplip /usr/lib/cups/backend 2>/dev/null|sed -e 's/:#!\/usr\/bin\/python3//g'|xargs -n1 sudo sed -i -e 's/\#\!\/usr\/bin\/python3/\#\!\/usr\/bin\/python3.12/g'
# grep -r '#!/usr/bin/python3' /usr/share/hplip /usr/lib/cups/backend 2>/dev/null|sed -e 's/:#!\/usr\/bin\/python3.12//g'|xargs -n1 sudo sed -i -e 's/\#\!\/usr\/bin\/python3.12/\#\!\/usr\/bin\/python3/g'
/usr/bin/hp-systray -x&

Upgrade Warnings / Re: Python 3 upgrade forces removal of hplip & friends
« Last post by dibl on Yesterday at 23:32:08 »
If you don't want to wait you can test the patch script on the iso live image in a couple of days.

The workaround that @Teriarch made, described in post #10 on this thread, is working perfectly for my HP LaserJet Pro p1606dn, for 2 siduction systems in my home.
Upgrade Warnings / Re: Python 3 upgrade forces removal of hplip & friends
« Last post by Teriarch on Yesterday at 23:22:37 »
@seasons & @eriefisher

< That's not the issue for me.

What I meant is that python3.12 and python3.13 can coexist, but hplip unfortunately
depends on python3 (= 3.13). The latest python3-minimal on which python3 depends
contains a symbolic link from /usr/bin/python3 to /usr/bin/python3.13. That's why hplip
fails, even if it could be installed. The easiest way out is to modify the control file
of python 3 to contain an additional provide
Provides: ..., python3 (= 3.12)...
and patch the headers of hplip's python files to #!/usr/bin/python3.12 after the installation.
So no harm is done to the copyright.
But then the user of hplip' modification  is responsible for for an install of python3.12, which as I said
can live together with python3.13 happily ever after...
If you don't want to wait you can test the patch script on the iso live image in a couple of days.
Upgrade Warnings / Re: Python 3 upgrade forces removal of hplip & friends
« Last post by seasons on Yesterday at 22:41:41 »
Till's response:
I am maintainer of the HPLIP package of Ubuntu and I had updated it already to 3.24.x, while at Debian no update had happened and even that I had informed the Debian maintainers that I have updated on Ubuntu, they did not overtake my updated package to Debian. There are also already bug reports in Debian's bug tracker about the need of an update, especially also for the current Python and GCC versions.

So I am CCing now Thorsten Alteholz, Debian maintainer for HPLIP and also the Debian Printing Team.

Also the freezes for the next release of Debian will start in March, so it would be nice to do not have a 2022 version of HPLIP in a 2025 release of Debian.
There is an extensive thread explaining the new format and solution.

Has anyone tried to edit the control file to correct the dependency?
Software - Support / »Fehlendes Signed-By im Eintrag sources.list«
« Last post by alexquemelin on Yesterday at 21:39:38 »
Ich habe vor einigen Tagen Siduction (»Shine on ...« ) auf meinem Rechner installiert. Im Prinzip läuft alles wie geschmiert, allerdings irritieren mich einige Meldungen, die immer und wieder auftauchen, wenn ich ein »apt update« machen. Ich kann mir leider nicht erklären, was es mit diesen Meldungen auf sich hat. Irgendwelche negativen Effekte kann ich nicht entdecken, aber ich wüsste gern, worum es sich da handelt und wie ich das Problem lösen kann. Wer kann mir dabei helfen?

Ich hatte zuvor auf einem anderen Rechner sehr gute Erfahrungen mit Siduction (installiert mit »Standing on the shoulders ...«) gemacht, wo diese Meldungen nicht vorkamen. Ich habe schon mal die in Frage kommenden u.a. Sources.list miteinander verglichen aber konnte keine Abweichungen feststellen.

Dies sind die Messages:

Fehlendes Signed-By im Eintrag sources.list(5) für »https://deb.debian.org/debian«
Notice: Fehlendes Signed-By im Eintrag sources.list(5) für »https://ftp.belnet.be/mirror/siduction/extra«
Notice: Fehlendes Signed-By im Eintrag sources.list(5) für »https://ftp.belnet.be/mirror/siduction/fixes«
Notice: Consider migrating all sources.list(5) entries to the deb822 .sources format
Notice: The deb822 .sources format supports both embedded as well as external OpenPGP keys
Notice: See apt-secure(7) for best practices in configuring repository signing.

Danke für eure Unterstützung

Upgrade Warnings / Re: Python 3 upgrade forces removal of hplip & friends
« Last post by seasons on Yesterday at 21:09:37 »
You should be able to install python3.12 w/o any removal. Both versions coexist just fine:

That's not the issue for me. The issue is that:
Code: [Select]
hplip : Depends: python3 (< 3.13) but 3.13.1-2 is to be installedSo I do have 3.12 installed as well, but of course, that doesn't make apt happy. I know how to work around that, but I don't need to print anything at the moment, so I'll wait.

I contacted the maintainer (Till Kamppeter) who updated Ubuntu's package, since he is also listed as a Debian maintainer, and I just saw him respond to an unrelated bug a few days ago. Maybe he can speed things along.
Upgrade Warnings / Re: Python 3 upgrade forces removal of hplip & friends
« Last post by Teriarch on Yesterday at 21:00:05 »
I figured a minimally invasive method to address the problem w/o
modifying the original hplip packages. Hang on for a couple of days...
Software - Support / Re: Fragen zu flatpak
« Last post by devil on Yesterday at 20:59:38 »
Der Java-Error hat mit Flatpak nichts zu tun, sondern mit Java: https://github.com/Audiveris/audiveris/issues/280.
Was die Dateianzeige angeht, kann ich nur raten, da ich die App nicht kenne. Du kannst dir mal Flatseal anschauen und da mit den Berechtigungen spielen, vll. hilfts. https://linuxnews.de/flatseal-1-8-verbessert-flatpak-berechtigungen/
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