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Author Topic:  lxde/i386, ceni - NM conflict  (Read 11545 times)

Offline michaa7

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lxde/i386, ceni - NM conflict
« on: 2012/05/19, 15:05:55 »
After configuring a networkconnection (wire) using ceni/static/built-in the connection dies within few seconds.
It seems networkmanager (NM) is started by default (no idea how to stop it) and controls all network activities.

Using NM to configure a connection works fine although I must say that on a live CD it will displease each new user by asking for a p/w *after* the settings are typed in. One then will notice there is no p/w set .... and so on ... you will curse this behaviour.

To me it seems the best to disable (not autostart) NM or remove ceni.
Ok, you can't code, but you still might be able to write a bug report for Debian's sake

Offline michaa7

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  • Posts: 2.434
lxde/i386, ceni - NM conflict
« Reply #1 on: 2012/05/23, 12:29:00 »
I assume thisone is soved (although I cant verify 'cause the lxde iso does not boot). But in the xfce iso I see a new start dialog in ceni which shuts down NM.
This hopefully will now be the same in lxde.
Ok, you can't code, but you still might be able to write a bug report for Debian's sake