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Author Topic: [EN] ScreenShots SCROTs  (Read 14133 times)


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[EN] ScreenShots SCROTs
« on: 2012/07/06, 07:11:24 »
Starting with a Basic Siduction 12


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RE: ScreenShots SCROTs
« Reply #1 on: 2012/07/09, 05:49:05 »
Lots of looking but no posting..
  Here is my 2nd modified with a Conky instead of Google Gadgets..
You will note a couple of things if you inspect the Conky..
#1 We head line Towo at the top..
#2 You might wonder why I have a 26gb HD install..
#3 That the Xfce install cruises nicely at 215mb of mem..

 Regarding the 26Gb install.. I copy my original Home dir everywhere just a habit and I have the space. The Home dir contains lots of Java and C++ coding, tutorials both video and reference text..
Lastly, I have installed quite a few Dev tools.


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ScreenShots SCROTs
« Reply #2 on: 2012/09/16, 02:50:13 »

I've tried a couple of others lately.  Phinx held my interest for a short while, but I like my
KDE and Siduction.  The recent upgrades were also impressive as 3D worked without the nVidia drivers this time around.  My hat's off to all those involved in development of Siduction.  Cudos! team.!


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ScreenShots SCROTs
« Reply #3 on: 2012/09/16, 14:07:46 »
Nice screen, Wanderer!

I have a good friend (and former boss) who was from Luverne. I'm trying to remember her maiden name, but her mother is a former judge there. Anyway, I'm up the road a good piece in Pelham. I'm glad to see another Siduction Linux user in Alabama.



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ScreenShots SCROTs
« Reply #4 on: 2012/09/16, 14:38:40 »
Quote from: "timc"
Nice screen, Wanderer!

I have a good friend (and former boss) who was from Luverne. I'm trying to remember her maiden name, but her mother is a former judge there. Anyway, I'm up the road a good piece in Pelham. I'm glad to see another Siduction Linux user in Alabama.


Thanks.  I've lived here for about 17 years and been using Linux for about the same.  I'm sure there are many Linux users in Alabama.  I've converted quite a few myself, but as you know
most can not tear their selves away from Face Book long enough to do any thing remotely constructive with their O/S.

Sorry, as you can see, I'm not a big fan of FB, I allowed my daughter to talk me into an account and for a while I was hung up on it.  I'll export a photo to it now and again to make my family think I'm interested.

Offline piper

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ScreenShots SCROTs
« Reply #5 on: 2012/09/16, 18:40:03 »
Wanderer, where did you get that wallpaper if you don't mind me asking ?
Free speech isn't just fucking saying what you want to say, it's also hearing what you don't want to fucking hear

I either give too many fucks or no fucks at all, it's like I cannot find a middle ground for a moderate fuck distribution, it's like what the fuck


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ScreenShots SCROTs
« Reply #6 on: 2012/09/16, 22:20:55 »
Quote from: "piper"
Wanderer, where did you get that wallpaper if you don't mind me asking ?

google search wallpaper + beer, I think.  I'll be glad to send it to you.


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Given the Season
« Reply #7 on: 2012/12/13, 20:47:53 »
Dag nabbit team, you hooked me again.  Riders on the Storm, xfce!
Marvelous, fantastic, and not a single problem for me so far.  Yes, I
know I was advised against it, but it is my production O/S. I'm sorry,
I changed to the AWN panel for more control.  Thanks.

To the photo - my stepdaughter Melissa and wife Patricia.  The background is not mine and I would love to give credit where credit is do, so if you're the owner by all means let me know.  That is one beautiful picture.

found it:  freechristmaswallpapers.com