Hi to all!
I'm trying to install siduction 2023.1.0 on an Hyper-v v2 created VM
The iso load ok but when fail to install (iso checksum is OK)
PCI: Fatal: No config space access function found
Waiting for up to 30s for devices to settle...
Failed to detect live media
Busybox v1.36.1
From what I read the first error line
"PCI Fatal error..." despite of the name fatal could be treated just as a warning
(please correct me if I'm wrong) and it's simply because Hyper-v v2 VM doesn't emulate PCI devices at all
For the "Failed to detect live media" I already tried copying the iso content to a disk
dd if=.../siduction-2023.1.1.iso of=/dev/sdb
but the results are the same: live Siduction menu start but refuse to install with same error
Could you help me to find a workaround?
Thank you in advance