I now installed git on my laptop and will checkout soon.
should I install one/some/all of the suggested files? If so, possibly provide why I should do so.
git-daemon-run git-daemon-sysvinit git-doc git-el git-email git-gui gitk gitweb git-arch git-cvs git-mediawiki git-svn
Up to now I have installed git without any suggested or recommended package.
I have created a new partition labeled "git" which I mount with defaults into /home/<user>/git
I assume I go to this directory when I checkout and execute the command which you posted above. Or is it advisable to do it somehow differently?
Some more questions:
http://wiki.siduction.de/index.php?title=Erstellen_eines_siduction-%C3%A4hnlichen_ISOstill valid?
What happens in build_dir = /media/fll/build_dir/ ?
The wiki says I don't need pbuilder, but if I use it, how do I have to configure build_dir ? And is the build process aware of my local /var/cache/apt/archives ? I don't want to redownload all those packages again.
What does fll and pyfll mean? Over the years I saw these expressions again and agian without having a clue what they mean. What those letters stand for? Could someone enlighten me?
It is not that simple to understand what to do, but step by step I think I understand what I have to configure, but it's not always obvious.
Thanks so far, infos to my questions would be very appreciated.