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Author Topic: [EN] WindoMaker Experiment ( a lite and fast window manager using addpkg )  (Read 7381 times)

Offline convbsd

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  • Posts: 92
  Hi siducers

I have discovered WindoMaker a lite and fast window manager. It has some interesting features:
a) a "control center" to configure window manager settings
b) a dock feature to dock applications on desktop
c) it can be customiczed using themes and background and so on.

This is a tutorial how to use addpkg to install windowmaker with paintitblack wallpaper ( if you install paintitblack wallpaper).
to do this please follow the steps:Install paintitblack wallpaer if isn't already installed. See: http://forum.siduction.org/index.php?topic=5084.0
1) Install ( in a real or virtual machine) a recent siduction iso with xorg support ( preferably xorg flavour) and dist-upgrade it.
2) download and unpack under / windowmaker-pkglist.zip. If all well you should have a file named custom under /usr/share/siduction-scripts/packages
3) run addpkg custom
4) download and unpack under / windowmaker-settings.zip
5) make a new user and logout.
6) login as new created user and choose from display-manager menu Windowmaker as session to start.
If all ok you should have Windowmaker with paintitblack wallpaper.

If you want to change wallpaer resolution or to change wallpaper please edit from /home/$user/GNUstep/Defaults or/and from /etc/GNUstep/Defaults WindowMaker file.

Warning since it's in experimental forum that's not supported by siduction.

If you have any problem/sugestion please contact me (convbsd) here or on irc.
Angelescu Ovidiu
« Last Edit: 2014/10/22, 22:24:10 by convbsd »