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Author Topic: [EN] Wifi Randomly Dropping off Internet  (Read 4887 times)

Offline ShadowLordSora

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[EN] Wifi Randomly Dropping off Internet
« on: 2023/06/03, 05:20:34 »
Hello Everyone,

My internet connection has been randomly dropping off, going from having an Up and Down speed to no speed at all, but after a few seconds to a minute it comes back. The problem only started yesterday and the last time I did a full upgrade before the problem started was about 3 days before, I did a full upgrade yesterday, hoping it would help, but the problem did go away. I did do the same commands yesterday before full upgrade and the outputs are the same.

I was using Wayland before and changed back to X11, due to Wayland being problematic with a lot of things, including the WiFi where, 1) The WiFi didn't connect or 2) The WiFi been limited with the yellow explanation mark. Both happened randomly on booting into the desktop and fix but reconnecting.

Below is system specs/versions and outputs from the command line, please do let me know if there in any other info I can provide. If anyone can help that would be greatly appreciated.

Operating System: siduction 22.1.0
KDE Plasma Version: 5.27.5
KDE Frameworks Version: 5.103.0
Qt Version: 5.15.8
Kernel Version: 6.3.5-1-siduction-amd64 (64-bit)
Graphics Platform: X11
Processors: 12 × AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 6-Core Processor
Memory: 31.3 GiB of RAM
Graphics Processor: AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT
Manufacturer: Micro-Star International Co., Ltd.
Product Name: MS-7D54
System Version: 1.0


~$ inxi -v5
Device-1: Realtek RTL8125 2.5GbE vendor: Micro-Star MSI driver: r8169
  v: kernel port: f000 bus-ID: 26:00.0
IF: enp38s0 state: down mac: 04:7c:16:44:e9:66
Device-2: Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX210/AX211/AX411 160MHz driver: iwlwifi v: kernel
  bus-ID: 28:00.0
IF: wlan0 state: up mac: 70:a8:d3:56:50:13

~$ ip -c a s
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
      valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host
      valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: enp38s0: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state DOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 04:7c:16:44:e9:66 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
4: wlan0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 70:a8:d3:56:50:13 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global dynamic noprefixroute wlan0
      valid_lft 85058sec preferred_lft 85058sec
    inet6 fe80::72a8:d3ff:fe56:5013/64 scope link
      valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

~$ sudo dmesg | grep -i iwlwifi
[    3.449915] iwlwifi 0000:28:00.0: enabling device (0000 -> 0002)
[    3.461085] iwlwifi 0000:28:00.0: Direct firmware load for iwlwifi-ty-a0-gf-a0-74.ucode failed with error -2
[    3.461096] iwlwifi 0000:28:00.0: Direct firmware load for iwlwifi-ty-a0-gf-a0-73.ucode failed with error -2
[    3.464022] iwlwifi 0000:28:00.0: api flags index 2 larger than supported by driver
[    3.464034] iwlwifi 0000:28:00.0: TLV_FW_FSEQ_VERSION: FSEQ Version:
[    3.464206] iwlwifi 0000:28:00.0: loaded firmware version 72.daa05125.0 ty-a0-gf-a0-72.ucode op_mode iwlmvm
[    3.481547] iwlwifi 0000:28:00.0: Detected Intel(R) Wi-Fi 6 AX210 160MHz, REV=0x420
[    3.653515] iwlwifi 0000:28:00.0: WFPM_UMAC_PD_NOTIFICATION: 0x1f
[    3.653529] iwlwifi 0000:28:00.0: WFPM_LMAC2_PD_NOTIFICATION: 0x1f
[    3.653541] iwlwifi 0000:28:00.0: WFPM_AUTH_KEY_0: 0x80
[    3.653555] iwlwifi 0000:28:00.0: CNVI_SCU_SEQ_DATA_DW9: 0x0
[    3.653773] iwlwifi 0000:28:00.0: loaded PNVM version 64acdc51
[    3.669361] iwlwifi 0000:28:00.0: Detected RF GF, rfid=0x10d000
[    3.738990] iwlwifi 0000:28:00.0: base HW address: 70:a8:d3:56:50:13
[    5.936011] iwlwifi 0000:28:00.0: WFPM_UMAC_PD_NOTIFICATION: 0x1f
[    5.936025] iwlwifi 0000:28:00.0: WFPM_LMAC2_PD_NOTIFICATION: 0x1f
[    5.936038] iwlwifi 0000:28:00.0: WFPM_AUTH_KEY_0: 0x80
[    5.936053] iwlwifi 0000:28:00.0: CNVI_SCU_SEQ_DATA_DW9: 0x0
[    6.239881] iwlwifi 0000:28:00.0: WFPM_UMAC_PD_NOTIFICATION: 0x1f
[    6.239897] iwlwifi 0000:28:00.0: WFPM_LMAC2_PD_NOTIFICATION: 0x1f
[    6.239913] iwlwifi 0000:28:00.0: WFPM_AUTH_KEY_0: 0x80
[    6.239926] iwlwifi 0000:28:00.0: CNVI_SCU_SEQ_DATA_DW9: 0x0

~$ sudo service iwd status
● iwd.service - Wireless service
    Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/iwd.service; enabled; preset: enabled)
    Active: active (running) since Sat 2023-06-03 12:31:53 AEST; 24min ago
      Docs: man:iwd(8 )
  Main PID: 611 (iwd)
      Tasks: 1 (limit: 38384)
    Memory: 2.4M
        CPU: 29ms
    CGroup: /system.slice/iwd.service
            └─611 /usr/libexec/iwd

Jun 03 12:31:54 SatanicSid iwd[611]:                        Max HE TX <= 160MHz MCS: 0-11 for NSS: 2
Jun 03 12:31:54 SatanicSid iwd[611]:        Ciphers: BIP-GMAC-256 BIP-GMAC-128 GCMP-256 GCMP-128
Jun 03 12:31:54 SatanicSid iwd[611]:                  BIP-CMAC-128 CCMP-128 TKIP
Jun 03 12:31:54 SatanicSid iwd[611]:        Supported iftypes: ad-hoc station ap p2p-client p2p-go p2p-device
Jun 03 12:31:54 SatanicSid iwd[611]: [DHCPv4] l_dhcp_client_start:1219 Entering state: DHCP_STATE_SELECTING
Jun 03 12:31:54 SatanicSid iwd[611]: [DHCPv4] dhcp_client_handle_offer:811 Entering state: DHCP_STATE_REQUESTING
Jun 03 12:31:54 SatanicSid iwd[611]: [DHCPv4] dhcp_client_rx_message:915 Entering state: DHCP_STATE_BOUND
Jun 03 12:31:54 SatanicSid iwd[611]: [DHCPv4] dhcp_client_rx_message:948 T1 expiring in 43199986 ms
Jun 03 12:34:15 SatanicSid iwd[611]: wiphy_estimate_data_rate() failed
Jun 03 12:35:24 SatanicSid iwd[611]: wiphy_estimate_data_rate() failed

~$ sudo apt-cache policy firmware-iwlwifi
  Installed: 20230210-5
  Candidate: 20230210-5
  Version table:
 *** 20230210-5 500
        500 http://debian.mirror.digitalpacific.com.au/debian unstable/non-free-firmware amd64 Packages
        500 http://debian.mirror.digitalpacific.com.au/debian unstable/non-free-firmware i386 Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

Offline ShadowLordSora

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  • Posts: 9
[EN] iwlwifi-firmware, missing firmware (Solved)
« Reply #1 on: 2023/07/03, 04:36:37 »
After about a month of digging with the help of my Dad, I fixed the missing firmware.

Of anyone who has this problem with Direct firmware load for iwlwifi-ty-a0-gf-a0-*.ucode failed with error -2 (* being the number of the firmware)

Listed bellow is the firmware website.


With this site made sure you get the right version of the firmware that currently installed to your PC... The current one as of replying to this 20230515 this is on my system... Please check the current one you have installed with sudo apt-cache policy firmware-iwlwifi and look at were it says Installed and if there an new version it will be listed under Candidate

For example the command out put should look something like this:
~$ sudo apt-cache policy firmware-iwlwifi
  Installed: 20230515-2
  Candidate: 20230515-2
  Version table:
 *** 20230515-2 500
        500 http://debian.mirror.digitalpacific.com.au/debian unstable/non-free-firmware amd64 Packages
        500 http://debian.mirror.digitalpacific.com.au/debian unstable/non-free-firmware i386 Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

Now with the right version of the firmware installed now for the next to post that have been found.

The first link is helpful as it shows the steps to reinstalling the missing firmware and the second website is useful in a later step.

Step 1:
Install the firmware, this can be down in two ways.
1) Going to the firmware website and download the version on the firmware that is currently on your system (For me it was 20230515)
2) wget https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/firmware/linux-firmware.git/snapshot/linux-firmware-*.tar.gz (* is where the version number will go)

Step 2:
Unpack where the firmware is installed, which can be done in many different ways.

For me it's going into where the firmware is downloaded (e.g /home/(your username)/Downloads), find the linux-firmware-*.tar.gz, then right clicking on the file, going down to Extract and then clicking on Extract Archive Here, Autodetect Subfolder.

Like I said before there are lot of ways to Unpack a File do whatever you are use to.

The command listed on the Debian Forums is:
tar -xzvf linux-firmware-*.tar.gz

Step 3:
Coping the missing firmware into the /lib/firmware, like the last step there are way was to do this.
Using the terminal, cd into the folder where the firmware was installed to for e.g. /home/(your username)/Downloads/linux-firmware-*
Next run sudo cp iwlwifi-ty-a0-gf-a0-* /lib/firmware, because I had two missing firmware I had to run this twice replacing the * with number that was missing.

Step 4:
Coping the pnvm file into /lib/firmware.
While you are still in the terminal in this folder /home/(your username)/Downloads/linux-firmware-*, run sudo cp iwlwifi-ty-a0-gf-a0.pnvm /lib/firmware

Step 5: Part 1/2:
Running Modprobe. This were the stackexchange forum helped me.

So on the Debian forum is says to run the command modprobe -r iwlwifi but it will output modprobe: FATAL: Module iwlwifi is in use which was like I'm not sure what to do with that so to google I went.

On the stackexchange forum post (linked in this post) I found what to do.
running sudo modprobe -rv iwlmvm worked for me, if that doesn't work for some reason try sudo modprobe -rv iwldvm

iwlmvm is newer wifi cards/chips (keeping in mind that stackexchange forum post answer says 2015)

iwldvm is for older wifi cards/chips.

So with that being said I'm not 100% sure which command will work on your system. So try the newer one first if not try the older one.

Step 5: Part 2/2:
Running Modprode again. This to reboot the firmware.

So like in Part 1 this depends on the age of your wifi card/chip. So which command worked for you before try one of the following:

Newer: sudo modprobe iwlmvm

Older: sudo modprobe iwldvm

And to be safe run sudo modprobe iwlwifi

Step 6:
Reboot your computer, as it's not listed on the forum... It's just to on the safe side, just from changes in root folder may not change immediately unless you reboot.

Step 7:
Last step.
Run the sudo dmesg | grep -i iwlwifi
I should of listed this command earlier but it is listed in the original post which shows the output off the missing firmware.

But this running the command the output was this:

~$ sudo dmesg | grep -i iwlwifi
[    3.467109] iwlwifi 0000:28:00.0: enabling device (0000 -> 0002)
[    3.496466] iwlwifi 0000:28:00.0: api flags index 2 larger than supported by driver
[    3.496478] iwlwifi 0000:28:00.0: TLV_FW_FSEQ_VERSION: FSEQ Version:
[    3.496643] iwlwifi 0000:28:00.0: loaded firmware version 74.fe17486e.0 ty-a0-gf-a0-74.ucode op_mode iwlmvm
[    3.515778] iwlwifi 0000:28:00.0: Detected Intel(R) Wi-Fi 6 AX210 160MHz, REV=0x420
[    3.527423] iwlwifi 0000:28:00.0: WRT: Invalid buffer destination
[    3.685941] iwlwifi 0000:28:00.0: WFPM_UMAC_PD_NOTIFICATION: 0x1f
[    3.685955] iwlwifi 0000:28:00.0: WFPM_LMAC2_PD_NOTIFICATION: 0x1f
[    3.685969] iwlwifi 0000:28:00.0: WFPM_AUTH_KEY_0: 0x80
[    3.685981] iwlwifi 0000:28:00.0: CNVI_SCU_SEQ_DATA_DW9: 0x0
[    3.686377] iwlwifi 0000:28:00.0: loaded PNVM version e4a49534
[    3.701207] iwlwifi 0000:28:00.0: Detected RF GF, rfid=0x10d000
[    3.771475] iwlwifi 0000:28:00.0: base HW address: 70:a8:d3:56:50:13
[    5.863943] iwlwifi 0000:28:00.0: WRT: Invalid buffer destination
[    6.021422] iwlwifi 0000:28:00.0: WFPM_UMAC_PD_NOTIFICATION: 0x1f
[    6.021436] iwlwifi 0000:28:00.0: WFPM_LMAC2_PD_NOTIFICATION: 0x1f
[    6.021448] iwlwifi 0000:28:00.0: WFPM_AUTH_KEY_0: 0x80
[    6.021461] iwlwifi 0000:28:00.0: CNVI_SCU_SEQ_DATA_DW9: 0x0

Looking at this output above shows that both firmware I installed is showing no error, which was shown in the original post I made.

I hope this helps someone out there who has the same problem I did and last thing please make sure you have the current firmware that is on your system this is post by the time you read it may have a newer version of the firmware.

So please make sure you have right version of the firmware before moving on to Step 2 as mixing versions could possibility mean a fresh install.

So please read carefully, this forum is to help people with problems, so like me if you have hard time reading please reread and double check things.

Two last things:

I'm sorry if my English is bad, I have trouble reading and writing, plus this is a long post so sorry for that also.

Also if there is an update to the firmware or anything for that matter check the Upgrade Warnings in the Siduction Forum before upgrade your system. This part of the forum is very important to read, so before upgrade and your not sure if it's safe jump onto the forums and look, this will safe you form a fresh install.

Offline devil

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Re: Wifi Randomly Dropping off Internet
« Reply #2 on: 2023/07/03, 07:01:40 »
Thanks for your detailed report!