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Author Topic:  Some issues testing siduction-16.1.0-patience-kde-amd64  (Read 10200 times)

Offline Bequimão

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  • Posts: 121
Hi friends,

After 2 or 3 years without siduction, I started a new install of siduction KDE on my Sony Vaio E Series Notebook.  Last not least, everything runs fine, but unfortunately I had to get over some problems.

First the installer gave the options "MBR, Partition, sda" to install grub on my UEFI system. I chose sda, but the installation of grub failed. I had to chroot into the installation and install grub manually.

I had to install several packages, which I would expect already in the live system. First of all vi. Without vi (vim) the live system is of little use as a rescue system.

When testing KMail I found kdepim-addons missing. No selection of header styles and no exposure of email headers. I installed the system with brazilian Portuguese, and later switched to German. Then I had a mixture of about three languages. When I searched for the name of the KDE language package, I found that even kde-l10n-ptbr was missing.

Above all, everything seems fine.

Best wishes,
Einen guten Rutsch,

Bequimão (gesprochen: Be-ki-mãu) ist Manuel Beckmann,
brasilianischer Revolutionär in Maranhão (1630 - 1685).