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Author Topic:  ATTENTION :: Lots of removals again - KDE/plasma  (Read 6889 times)

Offline der_bud

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Re: ATTENTION :: Lots of removals again - KDE/plasma
« Reply #15 on: 2017/09/05, 15:42:48 »
... How stuff like plasma-desktop and plasma-workspace came to be removed I don't know. the was no hint during the DU and I never saw them being removed.
Have on an i386-system since some days hint for removal of those packages, so I didn't dist-upgrade. As of your post, I'll probably try to let them go and reinstall...
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  breeze frameworkintegration kde-style-breeze kde-style-breeze-qt4  kinfocenter libkf5style5 plasma-desktop plasma-integration plasma-widgets-addons plasma-workspace sddm-theme-breeze...
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