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Author Topic: [EN] "shutdown -h now" powers off and reboots (also KDE  (Read 13233 times)


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[EN] "shutdown -h now" powers off and reboots (also KDE
« on: 2013/08/11, 04:44:17 »
Hi there

The subject is self-explanatory I guess: I have recently installed siduction from a spare working live dvd of ridersonthestorm (the one I had of firestarter did not boot...). Right after installation, I tried to issue shutdown -h now, as root, and the desktop did turn off, but almost instantly booted again, like a zombie. No matter what I tried (even the KDE main menu icon for Shutdown), the only way it really works is pressing off the power button. Any tips?

My desktop has an Intel DH87MC motherboard.

Thanks for any help

Offline michaa7

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Re: shutdown -r now powers off and then reboots
« Reply #1 on: 2013/08/11, 08:58:02 »
Quote from: "orca"
...I tried to issue shutdown -r now, as root, and the desktop did turn off, but almost instantly booted again,...

What else did you expect? "-r" stands for "reboot", but if you wanted to shutdown and hold/stop you have to issue:

shutdown -h now
Ok, you can't code, but you still might be able to write a bug report for Debian's sake


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Re: shutdown -r now powers off and then reboots
« Reply #2 on: 2013/08/11, 10:26:07 »
Quote from: "michaa7"
Quote from: "orca"
...I tried to issue shutdown -r now, as root, and the desktop did turn off, but almost instantly booted again,...

What else did you expect? "-r" stands for "reboot", but if you wanted to shutdown and hold/stop you have to issue:

shutdown -h now

I think 'sudo halt' will shutdown as well ...


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RE: Re: shutdown -h now powers off and then reboots
« Reply #3 on: 2013/08/11, 14:06:34 »
Thanks michaa7 and farinet: I had a typo in my post subject. It should really be shutdown -h now (as michaa7 warned). Sorry; I have now edited the subject accordingly.

But the issue persists: either, as root, typing shutdown -h now, or, as normal user, from the KDE main menu, through its Shutdown icon, I am not able to really definitely power off the machine, as it always reboots...

Thanks again

Offline michaa7

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RE: Re: shutdown -h now powers off and then reboots
« Reply #4 on: 2013/08/11, 15:50:29 »
Ok, this now makes sense, and yes, you have a problem.

I wonder what you mean by "pressing off the power button". Is this a *clean* shutdown?  I doubt it.

To me it seems you have a mobo with a broken BIOS/ACPI . And the problem you mention in this other thread here seems to prove that.

A quick Google search (Intel DH87MC shutdown) indicates my guess is right:

Did you install any other OS/linux with a working shutdown?

If I am right you need a BIOS update or you need to complain at the vendor or direcly on INTEL.
Ok, you can't code, but you still might be able to write a bug report for Debian's sake

Offline ralul

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RE: Re: shutdown -h now powers off and then reboots
« Reply #5 on: 2013/08/11, 16:08:08 »
shutdown -P
experiencing siduction runs better than my gentoo makes me know I know nothing


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RE: Re: shutdown -h now powers off and then reboots
« Reply #6 on: 2013/08/11, 16:50:56 »
Hi michaa7

"Pressing off the power button" means what you guessed: physical pulling down the power button for some seconds; it is the only way I can manage to really turn off completely and definitely the machine...

I have no other operating system installed, only siduction ridersonthestorm, which, in fact, I just dist-upgraded right now (apparently with no issues, but this shutdown bug persisting).

So it seems I should give the BIOS update a try. Does this usually go without any issues or should I be prepared to have some surprises, the worst being unbootability???

Thnaks again!

Offline michaa7

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Re: RE: Re: shutdown -h now powers off and then reboots
« Reply #7 on: 2013/08/11, 21:58:44 »
Quote from: "orca"
...Does this usually go without any issues or should I be prepared to have some surprises, the worst being unbootability???

It "usually" should work, but not even the manufacturer will give you a guarantee. Maybe it's worth to first ask the manufacturer if this bug is known AND fixed?

Good luck ;-)
Ok, you can't code, but you still might be able to write a bug report for Debian's sake

Offline piper

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RE: Re: RE: Re: shutdown -h now powers off and then reboots
« Reply #8 on: 2013/08/12, 02:22:49 »
Quote from: "farinet"

I think 'sudo halt' will shutdown as well ...

Actually, that won't work

siduction is not ubuntu ... therefore sudo is useless, unless you manually configure it ... ouch  :)
Free speech isn't just fucking saying what you want to say, it's also hearing what you don't want to fucking hear

I either give too many fucks or no fucks at all, it's like I cannot find a middle ground for a moderate fuck distribution, it's like what the fuck


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RE: Re: RE: Re: shutdown -h now powers off and then reboots
« Reply #9 on: 2013/08/12, 13:10:15 »
How about the simple "init 0" as root?



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Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: shutdown -h now powers off and then rebo
« Reply #10 on: 2013/08/12, 15:59:55 »
Quote from: "piper"
Quote from: "farinet"

I think 'sudo halt' will shutdown as well ...

Actually, that won't work

siduction is not ubuntu ... therefore sudo is useless, unless you manually configure it ... ouch  :)

I do not remember i ever did a visudo on this siductionbox but sudo works :shock:  :shock:  :?:  :?:

Offline piper

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Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: shutdown -h now powers off and then rebo
« Reply #11 on: 2013/08/12, 17:17:02 »
Quote from: "farinet"
Quote from: "piper"
Quote from: "farinet"

I think 'sudo halt' will shutdown as well ...

Actually, that won't work

siduction is not ubuntu ... therefore sudo is useless, unless you manually configure it ... ouch  :)

I do not remember i ever did a visudo on this siductionbox but sudo works :shock:  :shock:  :?:  :?:

Well, you did something, my latest build is

Desktop: KDE 4.10.5 Distro: siduction 13.0.5 PaintItBlack - kde - (201308031300)

and every build before that

piper@x1:~$ sudo apt-get install freedink

Code: [Select]
We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System
Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:

    #1) Respect the privacy of others.
    #2) Think before you type.
    #3) With great power comes great responsibility.

[sudo] password for piper:
Sorry, user piper is not allowed to execute '/usr/bin/apt-get install' as root on x1.

piper@x1:~$ sudo apt-get update
Code: [Select]
[sudo] password for piper:
Sorry, user piper is not allowed to execute '/usr/bin/apt-get update' as root on x1.

piper@x1:~$ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
Code: [Select]
[sudo] password for piper:
Sorry, user piper is not allowed to execute '/usr/bin/apt-get dist-upgrade' as root on x1.

Unless someone can prove me wrong, sudo does not work out of the box in siduction (this goes back to kanotix, sidux, and aptosid)

I have been building for a long time now and have yet to see sudo work out of the box on a clean install (live cd does not count)
Free speech isn't just fucking saying what you want to say, it's also hearing what you don't want to fucking hear

I either give too many fucks or no fucks at all, it's like I cannot find a middle ground for a moderate fuck distribution, it's like what the fuck


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Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: shutdown -h now powers off and then rebo
« Reply #12 on: 2013/08/12, 17:40:21 »
Yep, i think so, obviously. For sure you're way way more knowledged than me. I just checked sudo visudo and i saw that me, as a user, is in there with root access rights.

Just a question, how is (or has been) the default root access in siduction? Su + pswd in a terminal ? For what i can think, is it possible it came with some dist-upgrade done via smxi? (Btw, as far as i remember, sudo is there also in crunchbang, which is wheezy based, mine then, is pointing to sid . . .)

Offline michaa7

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Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: shutdown -h now powers off and then rebo
« Reply #13 on: 2013/08/12, 18:55:39 »
Sudo is not configured with siduction (=here on my computer).

So the only thing you can assume about your systerm is: It's borked. Because if it wasn't you but smxi or some crunchbang-wheezy-thingy to configure it who now knows what's going on on your system?
Ok, you can't code, but you still might be able to write a bug report for Debian's sake

Offline piper

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Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: shutdown -h now powers off and then rebo
« Reply #14 on: 2013/08/12, 18:56:24 »
su is the default in siduction, since you use smxi, I stop support right here, maybe someone else can help
Free speech isn't just fucking saying what you want to say, it's also hearing what you don't want to fucking hear

I either give too many fucks or no fucks at all, it's like I cannot find a middle ground for a moderate fuck distribution, it's like what the fuck