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Author Topic:  Let us know / Berichtet uns KDE-Bugs  (Read 43645 times)

Offline Lanzi

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Re: Let us know / Berichtet uns KDE-Bugs
« Reply #15 on: 2016/06/11, 20:12:01 »
I do not know if this is a bug from KDE, my system or from Logitech and the driver.
i use the Logitech M705 MOuse (Melmarker rekommended it)

Since I changed to Plasma 5.4 horizontal movments are partly really slow. this never happnes to vertical movment and a new start of plasma solves the problem.

Offline devil

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Re: Let us know / Berichtet uns KDE-Bugs
« Reply #16 on: 2016/06/11, 20:59:14 »

thanks, I tried this before and it does nothing. I think this is a generic KDE problem and not related to PA.

Let me give you an example: I change a setting in systemsettings and move on to the next section. KDE reminds me with a notification that I have unsaved changes. This goes along with a sound, that gets played with 100% vol, even if before the volume was at 50%. If you then forget to set the volume back down, the next song you play will make you jump, specially if you have a powerful stereo connected like this here devil does.

p.s.: It did work after a reboot. No idea why it did not work before.  *I am a happy camper*

« Last Edit: 2016/06/11, 21:28:44 by devil »

Offline devil

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Re: Let us know / Berichtet uns KDE-Bugs
« Reply #17 on: 2016/06/11, 21:07:19 »
I do not know if this is a bug from KDE, my system or from Logitech and the driver.
i use the Logitech M705 MOuse (Melmarker rekommended it)

Since I changed to Plasma 5.4 horizontal movments are partly really slow. this never happnes to vertical movment and a new start of plasma solves the problem.

I use the same mouse and do not have the problem. There is a driver for the unified receiver for Logitech devices calles solaar. There you should disable smooth scrolling and see if that fixes it.

Offline melmarker

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Re: Let us know / Berichtet uns KDE-Bugs
« Reply #18 on: 2016/06/11, 21:35:22 »
@Lanzi: it may be that you use solaar - in that case change the smooth scrolling settings to OFF :)
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. (Benjamin Franklin, November 11, 1755)
Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity. (Hanlons razor)


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Re: Let us know / Berichtet uns KDE-Bugs
« Reply #19 on: 2016/06/12, 18:22:53 »
Zwei Punkte, die mir spontan einfallen:

1. (Wie Lanzi auch schon bemerkte) - Umbenennen auf dem Desktop funktioniert zwar, aber will man die Datei danach öffnen, wird unter dem alten Dateinamen gesucht und natürlich nichts gefunden.

2. Plasma stürzt ab, wenn ich ein HDMI-Kabel ein- oder ausstecke. Lässt sich per Alt+F2 aber neu starten ("plasmashell"). Falls das von Interesse ist: hier die Ausgabe (ab dem Moment des Ausstöpselns), wenn ich plasmashell vom Terminal aus laufen lasse:
Code: [Select]
requesting unexisting screen 0
requesting unexisting screen 0
requesting unexisting screen 0
requesting unexisting screen 0
requesting unexisting screen 0
requesting unexisting screen 0
requesting unexisting screen 0
requesting unexisting screen 0
QXcbConnection: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 2994, resource id: 0, major code: 21 (ListProperties), minor code: 0
requesting unexisting screen 0
requesting unexisting screen 0
requesting unexisting screen 0
requesting unexisting screen 0
requesting unexisting screen 0
requesting unexisting screen 0
requesting unexisting screen 0
requesting unexisting screen 0
requesting unexisting screen 0
requesting unexisting screen 0
requesting unexisting screen 0
requesting unexisting screen 0
requesting unexisting screen 0
requesting unexisting screen 0
requesting unexisting screen 0
requesting unexisting screen 0
kscreen: Requesting missing EDID for outputs (67)
kscreen: Requesting missing EDID for outputs (67)                                                                                                                     
No metadata file in the package, expected it at: "/usr/share/wallpapers/Field/contents/images//metadata.desktop"                                                       
No metadata file in the package, expected it at: "/usr/share/wallpapers/Field/contents/images//metadata.desktop"
No metadata file in the package, expected it at: "/usr/share/wallpapers/Field/contents/images//metadata.desktop"
KCrash: Attempting to start /usr/bin/plasmashell from kdeinit
KCrash: crashing... crashRecursionCounter = 2
KCrash: Application Name = plasmashell path = /usr/bin pid = 1917
KCrash: Arguments: /usr/bin/plasmashell
KCrash: Attempting to start /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/drkonqi from kdeinit
[1]   Beendet                 plasmashell

Offline piper

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Re: Let us know / Berichtet uns KDE-Bugs
« Reply #20 on: 2016/06/12, 18:35:21 »
Quote from: dal
Zwei Punkte, die mir spontan einfallen:

1. (Wie Lanzi auch schon bemerkte) - Umbenennen auf dem Desktop funktioniert zwar, aber will man die Datei danach öffnen, wird unter dem alten Dateinamen gesucht und natürlich nichts gefunden.

2. Plasma stürzt ab, wenn ich ein HDMI-Kabel ein- oder ausstecke. Lässt sich per Alt+F2 aber neu starten ("plasmashell"). Falls das von Interesse ist: hier die Ausgabe (ab dem Moment des Ausstöpselns), wenn ich plasmashell vom Terminal aus laufen lasse:
Code: [Select]requesting unexisting screen 0
requesting unexisting screen 0
requesting unexisting screen 0
requesting unexisting screen 0
requesting unexisting screen 0
requesting unexisting screen 0
requesting unexisting screen 0
requesting unexisting screen 0
QXcbConnection: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 2994, resource id: 0, major code: 21 (ListProperties), minor code: 0
requesting unexisting screen 0
requesting unexisting screen 0
requesting unexisting screen 0
requesting unexisting screen 0
requesting unexisting screen 0
requesting unexisting screen 0
requesting unexisting screen 0
requesting unexisting screen 0
requesting unexisting screen 0
requesting unexisting screen 0
requesting unexisting screen 0
requesting unexisting screen 0
requesting unexisting screen 0
requesting unexisting screen 0
requesting unexisting screen 0
requesting unexisting screen 0
kscreen: Requesting missing EDID for outputs (67)
kscreen: Requesting missing EDID for outputs (67)                                                                                                                     
No metadata file in the package, expected it at: "/usr/share/wallpapers/Field/contents/images//metadata.desktop"                                                       
No metadata file in the package, expected it at: "/usr/share/wallpapers/Field/contents/images//metadata.desktop"
No metadata file in the package, expected it at: "/usr/share/wallpapers/Field/contents/images//metadata.desktop"
KCrash: Attempting to start /usr/bin/plasmashell from kdeinit
KCrash: crashing... crashRecursionCounter = 2
KCrash: Application Name = plasmashell path = /usr/bin pid = 1917
KCrash: Arguments: /usr/bin/plasmashell
KCrash: Attempting to start /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/drkonqi from kdeinit
[1]   Beendet                 plasmashell

Can you try editing

Code: [Select]
add this

Code: [Select]


You can always undo if no change

Would like to see the output of

Code: [Select]
xrandr --listmonitors
Free speech isn't just fucking saying what you want to say, it's also hearing what you don't want to fucking hear

I either give too many fucks or no fucks at all, it's like I cannot find a middle ground for a moderate fuck distribution, it's like what the fuck


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Re: Let us know / Berichtet uns KDE-Bugs
« Reply #21 on: 2016/06/12, 19:10:29 »
Can you try editing

Code: [Select]
add this

Code: [Select]


No change, by the look of it. When I was just trying to reproduce the error (both with or without the above change) I realized plasma does not crash most of the time I plug in my TV, but it certainly does whenever I unplug it.

Would like to see the output of

Code: [Select]
xrandr --listmonitors

With TV connected:
Code: [Select]
Monitors: 1
 0: +HDMI1 1360/160x768/90+0+0  HDMI1

When unplugged:
Code: [Select]
Monitors: 1
 0: +*eDP1 1366/344x768/193+0+0  eDP1

Offline cas

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Re: Let us know / Berichtet uns KDE-Bugs
« Reply #22 on: 2016/06/12, 23:43:56 »
plasma stürzt ab, wenn ich den Monitor ausschalte.
Ergibt schwarzen desktop hintergrund, aber geöffnete Fenster weiterhin sichtbar.

plasma crashes , when switching monitor off.
the desktop gets totally black, but opened windows are still working.

Offline cas

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Re: Let us know / Berichtet uns KDE-Bugs
« Reply #23 on: 2016/06/13, 01:00:30 »
Energy settings regarding the monitor do not work. 

"Systemeinstellungen -> Energieverwaltung -> Energiesparmodus -> Bildschirm abdunkeln nach X Min"
"Systemeinstellungen -> Energieverwaltung -> Energiesparmodus -> Bildschirm-Energieverwaltung: Ausschalten nach X Min"

Beides bewirkt nichts nach der eingestellten Zeit.

Vor dem letzten plasma update führten beide Einstellungen bei mir zu einem plasma Absturz. Deswegen hatte ich beide deaktiviert. Jetzt tun sie gar nichts mehr.

Offline cas

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Re: Let us know / Berichtet uns KDE-Bugs
« Reply #24 on: 2016/06/13, 01:27:41 »
plasma stürzt ab, wenn ich den Monitor ausschalte.
Ergibt schwarzen desktop hintergrund, aber geöffnete Fenster weiterhin sichtbar.

plasma crashes , when switching monitor off.
the desktop gets totally black, but opened windows are still working.

I have to add the following:

when plasma crashes, it often completely destroys audio output.
I didn't find any other way to reactivate audio output than to reboot!
"systemctl restart display-manager.service" does not help.

Offline cas

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Re: Let us know / Berichtet uns KDE-Bugs
« Reply #25 on: 2016/06/13, 01:45:09 »
Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]

Code: [Select]
"Systemeinstellungen -> Energieverwaltung -> Energiesparmodus -> Bildschirm-Energieverwaltung: Ausschalten nach X Min" switch the monitor off after X minutes. But then plasma crashes  :(

no change with
Code: [Select]
"Systemeinstellungen -> Energieverwaltung -> Energiesparmodus -> Bildschirm abdunkeln nach X Min"
no change either with
Code: [Select]
plasma crashes, when switching monitor off.

Offline devil

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Re: Let us know / Berichtet uns KDE-Bugs
« Reply #26 on: 2016/06/13, 07:30:05 »
did you check if there is a bugreport for that, and if not, file one?

That goes for the other reporters here as well. If you do file a report with debian or KDE, please leave a link in here with your bug. Thank you!



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Re: Let us know / Berichtet uns KDE-Bugs
« Reply #27 on: 2016/06/13, 10:02:28 »

[edit: One year old bug of plasma version: 5.3.1  platform: Kubuntu Packages Linux]

... but still there on my up-to-date siduction machine, maybe its got s.th. to do with my 4K display to which I switched recently. I've had no problems with energy-saving mode before with my FullHD display. The bug is always reproducible, Plasma crashes after returning from energy-saving mode, no matter whether I use the Plasma routines or those of xscreensaver.

« Last Edit: 2016/06/14, 16:55:51 by Leoben »


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Re: Let us know / Berichtet uns KDE-Bugs
« Reply #28 on: 2016/06/13, 14:24:31 »
When I was just moving stuff to my external hard drive (using Dolphin) I discovered another issue that hasn't been there a few days ago:
Since I copied several folders individually, I got notifications for each folder that was done. However, the notifications got longer and longer until they covered half of my screen, because they were listing ALL the files that I had recently copied.

Offline devil

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Re: Let us know / Berichtet uns KDE-Bugs
« Reply #29 on: 2016/06/13, 15:24:50 »
I can confirm that.
