Thanks for your feedback.
The Xorg edition is meant to be changed and customized by the $user.
All that nice goodies that are installed like Tint2, jgmenu, Spacefm, the grapcal networmanager-tool, the xfce-appfinder, idesk for the icons on the desktop and so on are there because a lot of $users didn't understand fluxbox and how to use it with console tools!
So we diced to blow Xorg a bit. First there was only fluxbox and some console tools installed to get the system running and have the xserver installed, not more!
Ok, that times are gone.
Btw, we are using xfwm with our lxqt-edition.
But what you can do is to provide your changes and configurations, maybe we can use some of it to modify our xorg a bit, make it a bit more shiny!