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Author Topic: [EN] Creating Samba Share in a Fuse Mount. (was:Allow Symlinks in Samba Share)  (Read 1984 times)


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I was wondering if any wizards out there know how to configure Symlinks to be allowed and capable of navigating in the share. I found a few tips about:

wide links = yes
unix extensions = no
follow symlinks = yes

But that doesn't seem to achieve the desired results.
Lets share I had a usb drive at /media/Backup
with a Samba share of "Local" at /media/Backup/Local
I'd like there to be a symlink at /media/Backup/Local/Downloads -> /home/user/Downloads
And that samba would be able to navigate through \\Local\Downloads instead of it just showing up as a 0 size file.

Any help would be appreciated, Thanks

« Last Edit: 2014/04/12, 05:17:07 by dlalias2k1 »


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Re: Allow Symlinks in Samba Share
« Reply #1 on: 2014/04/12, 05:16:28 »
I Think I tried to oversimplify the problem.

I now believe the issue is that i'm trying to create a Samba share in a Fuse mount and their seems to be a conflict.

Any advice would be appreciated.