I just came across
this posting over at Bunsenlabs forum which I found interesting. Quoting:
We'll shortly delete all forum accounts that match the following criteria:
We'll delete all accounts which both have zero posts and have not been logged in to after 2021-04-01.
So I poked around the member list on our forum and gathered some figures:
Data1. We currently have 2.010 activated accounts on this forum.
2. Of them there are...
- 1.620 accounts with 0 posts and older than 1 year
- 900 accounts with 0 posts and no login since 1 year
- 420 accounts with 0 posts older than 1 year with 0 logins
- 1.350 accounts with 0 posts and older than 2 years
- 1.320 accounts with 0 posts and older than 2 years and no login since 2 years
3. Data stored for each account is at least:
- username
- "real" name
- password (hashed)
- email adress (which often reveals their real-real name...)
- IP and hostname of their last visit
4. Furthermore, what's stored more often than I'd had expected:
(I only did some spot checks.)Resulting consequencesSo all in all that's a relatively huge number of accounts and therefore quite a big set of personal data. With all consequences and liabilities for the siduction core team. Which is also covered in a way by the Bunsenlabs people:
The purpose of this exercise is to get rid of personally identifiable information associated with these dormant accounts such as email addresses and nicknames: Passive readers can always view the boards anonymously without signing up, and the best data protection for user data is simply not having any data on file. Also, if the user is not using the forums (as indicated by the 1+ year absence), we shouldn't continue storing the data as there doesn't seem to be a reason for that anymore (discontinued usage).
While this is all correct, it leaves out data protection laws (GDPR) that demand to store data
as short as possible while. Furthermore, it recommends establishing review and deletion processes.
My proposalSo I want - and somehow we have to - do that "data hygiene" over here as well. But I'd like to add some additional steps:
- Remind all users with no login for 6-12 months of their account and ask them to come back. Add a way for them to delete their account rightaway.
- Send out an informational note about anonymous reading possibilities (e.g. RSS feeds) to all accounts inactive/no post >1 year. Add a way for them to delete their account rightaway.
- Send out a reminder to all accounts with no login and no posting for >1 year, that their account will be deleted soon.
Any thoughts on that? Otherwise, I maybe will just go for it... ;-)