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Author Topic: [DE] NVIDIA-Treiber 340.108 und Kernel-Update 6.2.2-1-siduction-amd64  (Read 4292 times)

Offline samtfalterblau

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  • Posts: 37
jetzt habe ich auch mal ein Grafiktreiberproblem. Meines wird sogar im Handbuch vorhergesagt:
"Da die Legacy Treiber 304.xx und 340.xx von NVidia nicht mehr supportet werden, ist damit zu rechnen, dass selbige mit einem neuen Kernel oder neuem Xorg nicht mehr funktionieren."

Ich hatte, auch nach Handbuch, problemlos den passenden Treiber installieren können:

Code: [Select]

  Device-1: NVIDIA G94 [GeForce 9600 GT] driver: nvidia v: 340.108

  Device-2: Microdia USB 2.0 Camera type: USB driver: snd-usb-audio,uvcvideo

  Display: x11 server: X.Org v: with: Xwayland v: 22.1.8 driver: X:

    loaded: nvidia unloaded: fbdev,modesetting,nouveau,vesa gpu: nvidia

    resolution: 1440x900~60Hz

  API: OpenGL v: 3.3.0 NVIDIA 340.108 renderer: GeForce 9600 GT/PCIe/SSE2

01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation G94 [GeForce 9600 GT] (rev a1)

Beim neuen Kernel 6.2.2-1-siduction-amd64 kann der Treiber aber wohl nicht mehr integriert werden:

Code: [Select]
linux-image-6.2.2-1-siduction-amd64 (6.2-2) wird eingerichtet ...


dkms: running auto installation service for kernel 6.2.2-1-siduction-amd64:Sign command: /lib/modules/6.2.2-1-siduction-amd64/build/scripts/sign-file

Binary /lib/modules/6.2.2-1-siduction-amd64/build/scripts/sign-file not found, modules won't be signed

applying patch bashisms.patch...patching file conftest.sh

applying patch 0001-backport-error-on-unknown-conftests.patch...patching file Makefile

patching file conftest.sh

applying patch 0002-backport-error-on-unknown-conftests-uvm-part.patch...patching file uvm/Makefile

applying patch unregister_procfs_on_failure.patch...patching file nv.c

applying patch kmem_cache_create_usercopy.patch...patching file nv-linux.h

applying patch buildfix_kernel_4.11.patch...patching file uvm/nvidia_uvm_lite.c

applying patch buildfix_kernel_5.2.patch...patching file uvm/nvidia_uvm_lite.c

applying patch 03-unfuck-for-5.5.x.patch...patching file uvm/Makefile

applying patch 0008-backport-drm_available-changes-from-361.16.patch...patching file conftest.sh

applying patch 0009-backport-drm_driver_has_legacy_dev_list-changes-from.patch...patching file Makefile

patching file conftest.sh

applying patch 0010-backport-drm_gem_object_get-changes-from-418.30.patch...patching file Makefile

patching file conftest.sh

patching file nv-drm.c

applying patch 0011-backport-nv_ioremap_nocache-changes-from-440.64.patch...patching file nv-linux.h

applying patch 0012-backport-nv_proc_ops_t-changes-from-440.82.patch...patching file Makefile

patching file conftest.sh

patching file nv-linux.h

patching file nv-procfs.c

applying patch 0013-backport-nv_timeval-changes-from-440.82.patch...patching file Makefile

patching file conftest.sh

patching file nv-time.h

patching file os-interface.c

applying patch 0014-backport-nv_proc_ops_t-nv_timeval-changes-from-440.8.patch...patching file uvm/Makefile

patching file uvm/nvidia_uvm_lite.c

applying patch 0015-drm_legacy_pci_init-was-moved-to-drm-drm_legacy.h.patch...patching file conftest.sh

patching file nv-drm.c

applying patch kernel-5.7.0-set-memory-array.patch...patching file conftest.sh

applying patch 0017-backport-linux-ioctl32.h-changes-from-450.51.patch...patching file nv-linux.h

patching file uvm/nvidia_uvm_linux.h

applying patch 0018-backport-nv_vmalloc-changes-from-450.57.patch...patching file Makefile

patching file conftest.sh

patching file nv-linux.h

applying patch 0019-work-around-mmap_-sem-lock-rename.patch...patching file Makefile

patching file conftest.sh

patching file nv-linux.h

applying patch 0020-work-around-mmap_-sem-lock-rename-uvm-part.patch...patching file uvm/Makefile

patching file uvm/nvidia_uvm_linux.h

applying patch 0021-backport-get_user_pages_remote-changes-from-455.23.0.patch...patching file conftest.sh

patching file nv-linux.h

applying patch 0022-backport-vga_tryget-changes-from-455.23.04.patch...patching file Makefile

patching file conftest.sh

patching file nv.c

applying patch 0023-backport-drm_driver_has_gem_free_object-changes-from.patch...patching file Makefile

patching file conftest.sh

patching file nv-drm.c

applying patch 0024-backport-drm_prime_pages_to_sg_has_drm_device_arg-ch.patch...patching file Makefile

patching file conftest.sh

patching file nv-drm.c

applying patch 0025-check-for-drm_pci_init.patch...patching file Makefile

patching file conftest.sh

patching file nv-drm.c

applying patch 0026-import-drm_legacy_pci_init-exit-from-src-linux-5.9.1.patch...patching file nv-drm.c

applying patch 0027-add-static-and-nv_-prefix-to-copied-drm-legacy-bits.patch...patching file conftest.sh

patching file nv-drm.c

applying patch 0028-backport-asm-kmap_types.h-changes-from-460.32.03.patch...patching file nv-linux.h

patching file uvm/nvidia_uvm_linux.h

applying patch 0029-backport-drm_driver_has_gem_prime_callbacks-changes-.patch...patching file Makefile

patching file conftest.sh

patching file nv-drm.c

applying patch 0030-skip-list-operations-if-drm_device.legacy_dev_list-i.patch...patching file nv-drm.c

applying patch 0031-backport-set_current_state-changes-from-470.63.01.patch...patching file os-interface.c

applying patch 0032-backport-drm_device_has_pdev-changes-from-470.63.01.patch...patching file Makefile

patching file conftest.sh

patching file nv-drm.c

applying patch 0033-check-for-member-agp-in-struct-drm_device.patch...patching file conftest.sh

patching file nv-drm.c

applying patch 0034-backport-stdarg.h-changes-from-470.82.00.patch...patching file conftest.sh

patching file nv.h

patching file nv_stdarg.h

patching file nvidia-modules-common.mk

patching file os-interface.h

applying patch 0035-backport-pde_data-changes-from-470.103.01.patch...patching file Makefile

patching file conftest.sh

patching file nv-linux.h

applying patch 0036-backport-pci-dma-changes-from-470.129.06.patch...patching file nv-dma.c

patching file nv-vm.c

patching file nv.c

applying patch 0040-backport-acpi_bus_get_device-changes-from-470.129.06.patch...patching file Makefile

patching file conftest.sh

patching file nv-acpi.c

applying patch 0041-backport-acpi-changes-from-390.157.patch...patching file nv-acpi.c

applying patch fragile-ARCH.patch...patching file nvidia-modules-common.mk

applying patch separate-makefile-kbuild.patch...patching file nvidia-modules-common.mk

applying patch KERNEL_UNAME.patch...patching file nvidia-modules-common.mk

applying patch use-kbuild-compiler.patch...patching file nvidia-modules-common.mk

applying patch use-kbuild-flags.patch...patching file conftest.sh

applying patch build-sanity-checks.patch...patching file nvidia-modules-common.mk

applying patch conftest-verbose.patch...patching file nvidia-modules-common.mk

patching file conftest.sh

applying patch conftest-via-kbuild.patch...patching file nvidia-modules-common.mk

applying patch not-silent.patch...patching file nvidia-modules-common.mk

applying patch disable-cc_version_check.patch...patching file nvidia-modules-common.mk

applying patch use-nv-kernel-ARCH.o_binary.patch...patching file Makefile

patching file nvidia-modules-common.mk

applying patch avoid-ld.gold.patch...patching file nvidia-modules-common.mk

applying patch conftest-include-guard.patch...patching file conftest.sh

applying patch ignore_xen_on_arm.patch...patching file nv-linux.h

patching file conftest.sh

applying patch arm-outer-sync.patch...patching file nv-linux.h

Building module:

Cleaning build area...

env NV_VERBOSE=1 make -j8 modules KERNEL_UNAME=6.2.2-1-siduction-amd64; env NV_VERBOSE=1 make -j8 -C uvm modules KERNEL_UNAME=6.2.2-1-siduction-amd64 KBUILD_EXTMOD=/var/lib/dkms/nvidia-legacy-340xx/340
.108/build/uvm............(bad exit status: 2)

Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 6.2.2-1-siduction-amd64 (x86_64)

Consult /var/lib/dkms/nvidia-legacy-340xx/340.108/build/make.log for more information.

Error! One or more modules failed to install during autoinstall.

Refer to previous errors for more information.


run-parts: /etc/kernel/postinst.d/dkms exited with return code 11

dpkg: Fehler beim Bearbeiten des Paketes linux-image-6.2.2-1-siduction-amd64 (--configure):

 »installiertes post-installation-Skript des Paketes linux-image-6.2.2-1-siduction-amd64«-Unterprozess gab den Fehlerwert 1 zurück

avahi-utils (0.8-9) wird eingerichtet ...

dpkg: Abhängigkeitsprobleme verhindern Konfiguration von linux-image-siduction-amd64:

 linux-image-siduction-amd64 hängt ab von linux-image-6.2.2-1-siduction-amd64 (= 6.2-2); aber:

  Paket linux-image-6.2.2-1-siduction-amd64 ist noch nicht konfiguriert.

dpkg: Fehler beim Bearbeiten des Paketes linux-image-siduction-amd64 (--configure):

 Abhängigkeitsprobleme - verbleibt unkonfiguriert

Was kann ich tun, um den neuen Kernel doch noch zu konfigurieren?

Offline samtfalterblau

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  • Posts: 37
Ich habe hier eine Lösung gefunden:
Code: [Select]
apt-get purge nvidia*Nach einem DU war wieder der nouveau - Treiber geladen.

Hier mein Vorschlag für das nächste Handbuch: Wir sollten den oben genannten Befehl zur Deinstallation mitaufnehmen, weil der naheliegende Befehl
Code: [Select]
apt purge nvidia-legacy-340xx-drivernicht ausgereicht hat.

Offline towo

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nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-340xx (340.108-18) unstable; urgency=medium
  * Support acpi_op_remove callback returning void to fix kernel module build
    for Linux 6.2.  (Closes: #1032891)
  * nvidia-alternative: Access kmod config files over a versioned
    symlink (510.108.03-3).
  * Add versioned Provides: nvidia-kernel-dkms-any (515.65.01-1).
  * Bump Standards-Version to 4.6.2. No changes needed.
 -- Andreas Beckmann <anbe@debian.org>  Fri, 17 Mar 2023 20:36:54 +0100
Wo ist nun das Problem?
Auch wenn ich gar nichts davon halte, unbedingt solche Museums-Hardware benutzen zu wollen.
Ich gehe nicht zum Karneval, ich verleihe nur manchmal mein Gesicht.

Offline vinzv

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Einen Treiber, der nicht mehr supported wird, im Handbuch zu behandeln? Ich weiß nicht...

Was ich mir vorstellen könnte, wäre ein Kapitel mit Tipps für Uralt-Hardware. Aber a) müssen das die Manual-Schreiber entscheiden und b) muss das auch jemand schreiben.

Offline towo

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Es geht ja nicht um den alten Treiber, für das Handbuch, sondern allgemein für den Befehl, wie man den Nvidia Blob wieder restlos entfernt.
Da reicht
Code: [Select]
apt purge nvidia-legacy-340xx-driverin der Tat nicht aus.
Ich gehe nicht zum Karneval, ich verleihe nur manchmal mein Gesicht.

Offline vinzv

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Achso, stimmt. Ja das könnte in der Tat ins Manual mit rein.