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Wie schon im Beitrag erwähnt funktioniert weder der Eintrag stable noch unstable bei Suites.
Was mache ich mit list-files wie
Code: [Select]
deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/wire-app-keyring.gpg] https://wire-app.wire.com/linux/debian stable main

Mit etwas Handarbeit würde ich es so versuchen:
Code: [Select]
Types:      deb
URIs:       https://wire-app.wire.com/linux/debian
Suites:     stable
Components: main
Enabled:    yes
Signed-By:  /usr/share/keyrings/wire-app-keyring.gpg
Warum jetzt überhaupt etwas ändern?
Das .list-Format ist genau so gut und ich würde den jetzigen Hype, der hier gerade ausgebrochen ist erst einmal aussitzen. Entstanden ist er wohl, weil jemand gar kein "signed-by" eingetragen hatte und so eine Nachricht erhielt, die ihn auf das deb822 ".sources" Format aufmerksam gemacht hatte. Woraus dann wohl die "Mär" eines (brand-)neuen ;) Formats entstand.
Ach ja, und den Key direkt eintragen. Ja, möglich, aber wo ist der Vorteil? Und dann viel Spaß beim Eintragen eines gesamten Keyrings.
Laßt die apt 3.0 Entwickler ihren Akt erst einmal vernünftig auf die Reihe bekommen. Augenblicklich sehe ich da nur die für mich falsche Tendenz, wieder etwas aufzwingen zu wollen, statt kompatibel zu bleiben.
[Vergleichbares: Die FHS (file system hierarchy) Änderungen, us(e)r-Merge, Gnome nicht mehr ohne Funktionsverlust ohne systemd, systemd selber, dabei KISS wegwerfen, grub-Ablösungsversuche und sicherlich noch andere Dinge mehr.]

Edit: Typo verbessert.
Was mache ich mit list-files wie
Code: [Select]
deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/wire-app-keyring.gpg] https://wire-app.wire.com/linux/debian stable mainoder
Code: [Select]
deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/enpass-linux-keyring.gpg] https://apt.enpass.io/ stable main
Ich kann diese natürlich mit einem Editor entsprechend anpassen aber was trage ich bei Suites ein? stable funktioniert ebenso wenig wie unstable.

Das Script funktioniert mit den o. a. list files nicht, das Script macht daraus
Code: [Select]
Types:      deb
URIs:       [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/wire-app-keyring.gpg]
Suites:     https://wire-app.wire.com/linux/debian
Components: stable main
Enabled:    yes
Installation - Support / Re: Freezes
« Last post by lanig on Today at 11:31:21 »
In case it could be useful to others, finally the culprite seems to be my ssd drive.
Installation - Support / Re: Encrypted fs not found
« Last post by lanig on Today at 10:42:18 »
UP !

I had no problem to make an encrypted installation with  the live usb of Debian 12.9 whose installer seems to be very close to Siduction's. Because of this problem, my computer is now under Stable and I want to go back to Siduction!

BTW, i whish the « use a full disk with swap and hibernation » would allow to increase the size of the swap.
Why don't they just choose one format, you now have the existing system which I would think most Debian users are still using, the new system as described in this thread which has two options and now a fourth system as described in your article. It must be confusing for third party vendors.
Please,please check the script first on the live shine-on iso image before you proceed.

If something fails you can always restart and report the failure. Be sure to have sudo
configured for the current user and don't worry if the hplip packages will get removed in
the process, you will get them back in a blink of an eye even before the script ends.

Have fun!

Code: [Select]

pushd .
sudo apt-get update
mkdir /tmp/hplip
mkdir /tmp/hptmp
cd /tmp/hplip
sudo apt-get install python3 python3.12
apt-get download python3
dpkg-deb -x /tmp/hplip/python3_3.13.1-2_amd64.deb /tmp/hptmp
dpkg-deb --control python3_3.13.1-2_amd64.deb /tmp/hptmp/DEBIAN
sed -i -e 's/python3-profiler/python3 (= 3.12), python3-profiler/g' /tmp/hptmp/DEBIAN/control
sed -i -e 's/Version: 3.13.1-2/Version: 3.13.1-2b/g' /tmp/hptmp/DEBIAN/control
dpkg-deb --root-owner-group -b /tmp/hptmp /tmp/hplip/python3_3.13.1-2b_amd64.deb
rm /tmp/hplip/python3_3.13.1-2_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i /tmp/hplip/*.deb
cd /tmp
rm -rf /tmp/hptmp /tmp/hplip

sudo apt-get install hplip hplip-data hplip-gui
grep -r '#!/usr/bin/python3' /usr/share/hplip /usr/lib/cups/backend 2>/dev/null|sed -e 's/:#!\/usr\/bin\/python3//g'|xargs -n1 sudo sed -i -e 's/\#\!\/usr\/bin\/python3/\#\!\/usr\/bin\/python3.12/g'
# grep -r '#!/usr/bin/python3' /usr/share/hplip /usr/lib/cups/backend 2>/dev/null|sed -e 's/:#!\/usr\/bin\/python3.12//g'|xargs -n1 sudo sed -i -e 's/\#\!\/usr\/bin\/python3.12/\#\!\/usr\/bin\/python3/g'
/usr/bin/hp-systray -x&

Upgrade Warnings / Re: Python 3 upgrade forces removal of hplip & friends
« Last post by dibl on Yesterday at 23:32:08 »
If you don't want to wait you can test the patch script on the iso live image in a couple of days.

The workaround that @Teriarch made, described in post #10 on this thread, is working perfectly for my HP LaserJet Pro p1606dn, for 2 siduction systems in my home.
Upgrade Warnings / Re: Python 3 upgrade forces removal of hplip & friends
« Last post by Teriarch on Yesterday at 23:22:37 »
@seasons & @eriefisher

< That's not the issue for me.

What I meant is that python3.12 and python3.13 can coexist, but hplip unfortunately
depends on python3 (= 3.13). The latest python3-minimal on which python3 depends
contains a symbolic link from /usr/bin/python3 to /usr/bin/python3.13. That's why hplip
fails, even if it could be installed. The easiest way out is to modify the control file
of python 3 to contain an additional provide
Provides: ..., python3 (= 3.12)...
and patch the headers of hplip's python files to #!/usr/bin/python3.12 after the installation.
So no harm is done to the copyright.
But then the user of hplip' modification  is responsible for for an install of python3.12, which as I said
can live together with python3.13 happily ever after...
If you don't want to wait you can test the patch script on the iso live image in a couple of days.
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