Thanks for the great answer. It turns out that information did solve one part of the problem.
The touchpad was misconfigured. I changed the BIOS entry related to the touchpad and, poof, those two ELAN0501 error lines are now gone.
However, it appears the ACPI problem persists. It looks like the problem could be any combination of OS incorrectly interacting with the hardware, ACPI not well configured at the OEM level, other things not playing well with ACPI, UEFI having some strange role, or, who knows.
For now I will leave the Win 11 side of things alone, temporarily remove siduction and load some other OS. I notice in the ACPI wikipedia page the Haiku and FreeBSD are supposed to have coding related to updating the ACPI subsystem. I've played a bit with Haiku but not with FreeBSD.
The wikipedia page says that "linux-based operating systems can provide handling of ACPI events via acpid", but I notice the word "can" only indicates possibility.
Testing other OSes will take a few days.