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Author Topic:  Migration from KDE-Next to Debian KDE  (Read 31946 times)

Offline devil

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Migration from KDE-Next to Debian KDE
« on: 2015/12/19, 21:45:12 »
This how-to does not work anymore, since for pressing reasons the kde-next repo was emptied. If you have not done the conversion yet, a possible way to do the transition could be: http://forum.siduction.org/index.php?topic=6072.msg50017#msg50017

As Santa will not package KDE for siduction anymore, we are to help users back from KDE-Next to Debian KDE. As this is beyond the normal capabilities of APT and DPKG in a simple command or two, we came up with a routine to convert users back. We tried this with four installs, three of which were blocked in dist-upgrade already. We had success in all cases, but it is still a bit of unchartered waters, since every install is different.

So you might (and probably will) get stuck somewhere during the process. You might also have to repeat commands as you move on. If you get stuck, apt-get -f install is your first and trusted friend. If packages block you from moving on, you might want to use dpkg --purge <package> or, if that does not do the trick, in this case even dpkg --force-all --purge <package>. Be sensible about this and think before you act. If in doubt, ask us.

If packages are supposed to be removed, write them down for a later reinstall (should not be more than a handfull) If half the system is to go, you better come see us on IRC to see if we can solve this. Be sure to copy all relevant info from the konsole while you can, so we have a chance to get to the bottom of things. You can paste the output to
http://paste.debian.net beforehand to safe time.

All of this might sound like it's a complicated process. For most users it should more or less run through and you'll be done in an hour or less, depending on how much stuff needs to be reinstalled after removing all KDE-Next packages. And as always: Back things up that you want to keep. It would be nice if all users of lkde-next could migrate back in a timely manner, so that no eventualities, that we cannot control sneak into the process (like another transition e.g.)

Dieses how-to funktioniert nicht mehr, da aus technischen Gründen das kde-next Repo geleert wurde. Falls ihr die Umwandlung noch nicht vollzogen habt, wäre Folgendes ein gangbarer Weg: http://forum.siduction.org/index.php?topic=6072.msg50017#msg50017

Da Santa KDE nicht mehr für siduction paketieren wird, wollen wir unsere User mit KDE-Next-Installationen zu Debian KDE zurückführen. Da das über die normalen Fähigkeiten von APT und DPKG mit ein oder zwei Befehlen hinausgeht, haben wir eine Routine entworfen, die Schritt für Schritt zum Ziel führt. Wir haben dies mit vier Installationen getestet, von denen drei bereits im Dist-Upgrade feststeckten. Bei allen vier Installationen gelang die Rückführung, jedoch ist, da jede Installation individuell ist, möglicherweise mit Hängern zu rechnen, die wir nicht genau voraussehen können.

Sollte der Prozess hängen, ist als erste Maßnahme der zuletzt genutzte Befehl zu wiederholen. Danach ist apt-get -f install das Mittel der Wahl, auch mehrmals wenn nötig. Sollten Pakete den weiteren Verlauf blockieren, so kann dpkg --purge <Paket> oder in diesem speziellen Fall auch dpkg --force-all --purge <Paket> eingesetzt werden, gefolgt von apt-get -f install. Seid sensibel und denkt bitte mit. Bei unklaren Situationen fragt uns.

Sollen Pakete entfernt werden, schreibt diese auf, um sie später neu zu installieren. Es sollten nicht mehr als eine Handvoll sein. Soll das halbe System entfernt werden, kommt bitte in den IRC, damit wir der Sache auf den Grund gehen können. Dazu brauchen wir möglichst viel Ausgaben aus der Konsole, die ihr schon vorab nach http://paste.debian.net pasten könnt.

Das mag jetzt kompliziert klingen, aber für die allermeisten User sollte der Prozess problemlos sein. Wir können aber leider nicht alles vorausehen. Der Prozess sollte, je nachdem wie viele Pakete neu installiert werden müssen, nicht mehr als eine Stunde in Anspruch nehmen. Zudem gilt, wie immer: Backt up, was ihr behalten wollt. Zudem wäre es schön, wenn möglichst alle User mit KDE-Next die Umstellung zeitnah vornehmen, sodass sich keine Eventualitäten (wie etwa eine weitere Transition) einschleichen, die wir nicht in unter Kontrolle haben.

Get rid of kde-next

And now to the practical side of things / Und nun zur Praxis:

Preparation / Vorbereitung:

Code: [Select]
apt-get update
Code: [Select]
apt-get install apt
Code: [Select]
mkdir cleanup; cd cleanup

Identifying and listing KDE-Next packaging / KDE-Next-Pakete identifizieren und auflisten:
Code: [Select]
dpkg --get-selections | awk '/\011install/ {print $1}' | while read name; do apt-cache madison $name | head -n 1; done | grep kdenextCheck if the result looks reasonable / Überprüfe das Resultat auf Stimmigkeit:
Code: [Select]
dpkg --get-selections | awk '/\011install/ {print $1}' | while read name; do apt-cache madison $name | head -n 1; done | grep kdenext | awk -F '|' '{ print $1 }' > replace.txtAfter the 2nd command your result is saved to replace.txt / Nach dem 2. Befehl ist die Liste der Pakete in replace.txt gespeichert

Now here is the heavy lifting / Jetzt folgt die eigentliche Arbeit:
Code: [Select]
dpkg --force-all --purge qml-module-org-kde-activities
Code: [Select]
for i in `cat replace.txt`; do  apt-get download $i/sid; done
Code: [Select]
dpkg --force-all --install *.deb

Cleaning up / Aufräumen:
Code: [Select]
nano siduction.list... Comment all kdenext-related entries in your sources.list / Alle Kdenext-Einträge in den Quellen auskommentieren
Check if you have a separate kdenext.list and comment the lines there / Prüfe ob es eine separate kdenext.list gibt und kommentiere auch dort die Zeilen aus
Code: [Select]
apt updaterepeat:
Code: [Select]
apt install -frepeat:
Code: [Select]
apt upgraderepeat:
Code: [Select]
apt dist-upgrade

Make sure, kde-standard or kde-full is installed / Sicherstellen, das kde-standard oder kde-full installiert ist:
Code: [Select]
apt install kde-standardor
Code: [Select]
apt install kde-full

Manualy delete deprecated packages / Manuell verwaiste Pakete entfernen:
Code: [Select]
apt-show-versions | grep available

Done. that was easy, was it? :)
Fertig. Hat doch garnicht weh getan :)
« Last Edit: 2021/06/19, 16:51:58 by towo »


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Re: Migration from KDE-Next to Debian KDE
« Reply #1 on: 2015/12/20, 06:44:29 »


Code: [Select]
qml-module-org-kde-activitescould not be deinstalled as was not installed
Code: [Select]
for i in.....download $i/sid...
provides several
Code: [Select]
W cant drop privilegesfor downloading as file /root/cleanup/*
Code: [Select]
E Veröffentlichung sid für * konnte nicht gefunden werdentelling "publication sid for * could not be found[/code]
Now where I stuck:

Code: [Select]
apt install kde-standard | kde-fullimpossible:
Code: [Select]
E konnte Sperre von /var/lib/dpkg/list nicht bekommen open 11...
E Sperren des Adminverzeichnisses nicht möglich...
apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in script
apt cache policy shows nothing installed.
Tested all the other hints mentioned including forcing, did also a reboot, same situation.

Code: [Select]
ls -ld /var/lib/dpkg
drwxr-xr-x 7 root root..

.../list seems not to be existing.

Code: [Select]
pol kde-full kde-standard
  Installiert:           (keine)
  Installationskandidat: 5:90
     5:90 500
        500 [url=http://http.debian.net/debian]http://http.debian.net/debian[/url] unstable/main amd64 Packages
        500 [url=http://http.debian.net/debian]http://http.debian.net/debian[/url] unstable/main i386 Packages
  Installiert:           (keine)
  Installationskandidat: 5:90
     5:90 500
        500 [url=http://http.debian.net/debian]http://http.debian.net/debian[/url] unstable/main amd64 Packages
        500 [url=http://http.debian.net/debian]http://http.debian.net/debian[/url] unstable/main i386 Packages

System is running in init 5...and the replace.txt has 0 bytes.
« Last Edit: 2015/12/20, 08:39:53 by mylo »


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Re: Migration from KDE-Next to Debian KDE
« Reply #2 on: 2015/12/20, 08:55:02 »
Hi devil,

my processes are:

Code: [Select]
Could not find a suspicious one.

Offline absolut

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Re: Migration from KDE-Next to Debian KDE
« Reply #3 on: 2015/12/20, 09:25:02 »

1. for the first three steps the kdenext repo has to be active, only after that it is being disabled

2. i did the "Identifying and listing KDE-Next packaging" step as user in init 5, downloading the packages to user home. had no warnings

3. i did the heavy lifting and apt dist-upgrade in init 3, obviously as root

4. apt install kde-standard or kde-full failed for me:
Code: [Select]
# LANG=C apt install kde-standard
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 kde-standard : Depends: akregator (>= 4:4.11.3) but it is not going to be installed
                Depends: kaddressbook (>= 4:4.11.3) but it is not going to be installed
                Depends: kmail (>= 4:4.11.3) but it is not going to be installed
                Depends: knotes (>= 4:4.11.3) but it is not going to be installed
                Depends: korganizer (>= 4:4.11.3) but it is not going to be installed
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

whereby there are no held packages (the output below is empty):
Code: [Select]
# LANG=C apt-mark showhold

i wonder why kdepim is not installable (i removed it some time ago, because i did not use it). may it be due to the fact that the version is 4 instead of 5, and mismatches the kde5 current version?


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Re: Migration from KDE-Next to Debian KDE
« Reply #4 on: 2015/12/20, 09:33:36 »
Hi absolut,

I did all three as prescribed, seems the prob is somewhere. Good to know for me, that I am not the only one.
However I have an other effect (may be) on top. No holds also. What says ap-cahe policy to this on your inst?

Offline absolut

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Re: Migration from KDE-Next to Debian KDE
« Reply #5 on: 2015/12/20, 10:07:25 »
Code: [Select]
LANG=C apt policy kde-standard kde-full
  Installed: (none)
  Candidate: 5:90
  Version table:
     5:90 500
        500 http://httpredir.debian.org/debian unstable/main amd64 Packages
        500 http://httpredir.debian.org/debian unstable/main i386 Packages
  Installed: (none)
  Candidate: 5:90
  Version table:
     5:90 500
        500 http://httpredir.debian.org/debian unstable/main amd64 Packages
        500 http://httpredir.debian.org/debian unstable/main i386 Packages


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Re: Migration from KDE-Next to Debian KDE
« Reply #6 on: 2015/12/20, 10:32:22 »

hier nach einem vernünftigen Frühsdtück und zwei weiteren Reboots war
Code: [Select]
kde-standard installierbar.
Daher hier erst mal alles in Ordnung.

Code: [Select]
apt-show-versions | grep available zeigt mir eine sehr lange Liste mit jeweils
Code: [Select]
paket*:amd64 6:10.4-1 installed: No available version in archiveIst hier noch was zu tun?

@absolut:  vielleicht purged Du noch mal ordentlich?
« Last Edit: 2015/12/20, 10:36:22 by mylo »

Offline reddark

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Re: Migration from KDE-Next to Debian KDE
« Reply #7 on: 2015/12/20, 11:28:22 »
Dank der Anleitung alles problemlos durchgeaufen .. danke ;)

Offline horo

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Re: Migration from KDE-Next to Debian KDE
« Reply #8 on: 2015/12/20, 11:51:01 »

some odd packages hindered "apt install kde-standard" but "aptitude install kde-standard" offered after some "n" key presses the solution to downgrade these xxx-siduction.1-x packages to debian without deleting any other parts - everything is fine now, thx devil and team.

Ciao, Martin

EDIT: must be "n" instead of "q" key press
« Last Edit: 2015/12/20, 20:57:58 by horo »
omnia vincit pecunia :(

Offline jure

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Re: Migration from KDE-Next to Debian KDE
« Reply #9 on: 2015/12/20, 12:09:43 »
1+ thx to the siduction team !

I successfully switched  from kdenext to "kde-debian"

after unhold okular I could apt install -f
Code: [Select]
apt install -f
Install: libanalitzaplot5abi1:amd64 (4.14.0-2, automatic), libkexiv2-11:amd64 (15.04.3-1, automatic), libanalitzagui5abi1:amd64 (4.14.0-2, automatic), libanalitza5abi1:amd64 (4.14.0-2, automatic), ksnakeduel:amd64 (15.08.0-1, automatic)

Upgrade: libokularcore6:amd64 (15.08.2-siduction1, 15.08.3-1), okular:amd64 (15.08.2-siduction1, 15.08.3-1)

Remove: kipi-plugins:amd64 (4.4.0-1.1+b2), libkexiv2-11v5:amd64 (15.08.2-siduction1), digikam:amd64 (4.4.0-1.1+b2), libkf5baloofiles1:amd64 (5.1.1-siduction0.2), libept1.4.12:amd64 (, libqapt1:amd64 (1.3.0-2.1+b1), digikam-data:amd64 (4.4.0-1.1), libavfilter4:amd64 (10.4-1), libavfilter5:amd64 (11.4-2)

then apt upgrade, apt dist-upgrade and apt install kde-standard without errors
Code: [Select]
apt-cache policy kde-standard
  Installiert:           5:90
  Installationskandidat: 5:90
Gruss Juergen

Online samoht

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Re: Migration from KDE-Next to Debian KDE
« Reply #10 on: 2015/12/20, 12:23:30 »
Confirm the successful transition to Debian KDE  :) .

Could not »save«:
digikam showfoto kipi-plugins …
calligra …

I shall add the details later.

Thanks to our supporters.


Offline absolut

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Re: Migration from KDE-Next to Debian KDE
« Reply #11 on: 2015/12/20, 13:08:21 »
horo, thanks for the very good hint!

besides orphaned packages (that had no version in any archive anymore), there were kdenext packages left that were newer than their corresponding version in sid/unstable

Code: [Select]
apt-show-versions | grep neweri went through the list, one by one; many of the listed packages belonged to okteta and remainders of kdepim i removed some time ago, as well as their dependencies/libraries, which i purged in one go (not required for now)

Offline ayla

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Re: Migration from KDE-Next to Debian KDE
« Reply #12 on: 2015/12/20, 17:04:31 »
Evrything went smooth here on my laptop, following devils recipe. Cleaned about 100 deprecated packages after...

Many thanks to all involved!


Offline horo

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Re: Migration from KDE-Next to Debian KDE
« Reply #13 on: 2015/12/21, 09:53:10 »

My quick recipe to get rid of all these "newer" xxx-siduction1.x-xxx packages:

1) create a file in /etc/apt/preferences.d, e.g. 10cleanup - adapt the debian url (httpredir.debian.org) according to your setup.
Code: [Select]
Package: *
Pin: origin "httpredir.debian.org"
Pin-Priority: 1001
2) move the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/siduction.list out of the way.
3) do a "apt update; apt dist-upgrade" that downgrades a lot of packages from siduction to debian.
4) remove the file /etc/apt/preferences.d/10cleanup above.
5) add the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/siduction.list again.
6) do a "apt update; apt dist-upgrade" again that updates a handful of packages back to siduction.
7) do a "apt-show-versions | grep newer" that will show some more packages that you have to think about.

Read the apt messages carefully and use your brain ;)

Ciao, Martin
« Last Edit: 2015/12/21, 12:21:38 by horo »
omnia vincit pecunia :(

Offline ghstryder

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Re: Migration from KDE-Next to Debian KDE
« Reply #14 on: 2015/12/21, 15:04:34 »
Looks good here. I did some clean-up, and I think I have a grip on most of this. Thanks to everyone involved!

I do have one question.

When I ran apt-show-versions | grep available I see the following:
Code: [Select]
# apt-show-versions | grep available
freespacenotifier:amd64 4:4.11.22-3+b1 installed: No available version in archive
gcc-4.7-base:amd64 4.7.4-3 installed: No available version in archive
gfxboot-themes-siduction-indiansummer-kde-core:all 2014.11.08.3 installed: No available version in archive
kwin:all 4:5.4.2-siduction1.2 installed: No available version in archive
libweather-ion6:amd64 4:4.11.22-3+b1 installed: No available version in archive
myspell-en-us:all 1:3.3.0-4 installed: No available version in archive
openfwwf:all 5.2.3 installed: No available version in archive
plasma-dataengines-workspace:amd64 4:4.11.22-3+b1 installed: No available version in archive
teamviewer:i386 10.0.46203 installed: No available version in archive
udisks:amd64 1.0.5-1+b1 installed: No available version in archive

The list was longer, but after cleaning a few orphaned packages this is what is left. Obviously teamviewer won't be found, but most or all of those are in the archive. Am I misunderstanding what this is showing, or is it some anomaly?
Note - the output is a bit longer, I pared it down in the interest of brevity.