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Author Topic: [EN] After upgrading KDE now request my root passworrd to mount a disk  (Read 574 times)

Offline Mte90

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At every startup I have this window asking me the root password.
I am not sure how to avoid and just get that device mounted (it isn't formatted with ntfs just in case but ext3).

The error "Mount a filesystem on a system device" org.freedesktop.udisks2.filesystem-mount-system

Offline scholle1

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Please check the mount options of /dev/sdb3 in /etc/fstab.

Code: [Select]
man mount:

           Use the default options: rw, suid, dev, exec, auto, nouser, and async.
           Note that the real set of all default mount options depends on the kernel and filesystem type. See the
           beginning of this section for more details.

           Forbid an ordinary user to mount the filesystem. This is the default; it does not imply any other options.

           Allow any user to mount and to unmount the filesystem, even when some other ordinary user mounted it. This
           option implies the options noexec, nosuid, and nodev (unless overridden by subsequent options, as in the option
           line users,exec,dev,suid).
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Offline Spider

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Sorry to 'highjack' your post but how on earth do you actually post on this forum? I'm registered on it but there appears to be no way that I can actually ask a question!

Offline ro_sid

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Sorry to 'highjack' your post but how on earth do you actually post on this forum? I'm registered on it but there appears to be no way that I can actually ask a question!
When you enter a group in the forum, let us say "Hardware-Support" ;), is there no button "NEW TOPIC" just above the "Subject / Started by    Replies / Views    Last post" line?

Offline Mte90

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The line is:
Code: [Select]
UUID=eb571aee-cdf5-4564-a5df-d736bf9d87a0     /media/mte90/Doh-cker/    ext4    defaults,rw,relatime 0    0

But also the others doesn't have that issue, it is asking me just once the password for that device:

Code: [Select]
UUID=c48349e2-2ce5-4223-af5a-b299ca65234c     /                    ext4         defaults,rw,noatime,discard,commit=60  0    1   #Root
   4   │ UUID=13faa8e9-0339-443c-85be-7e76834673ad     /media/disk3part1    ext4         defaults,rw,relatime           0    2 #Archivio
   5   │ UUID=b0b4ec87-64e8-4d8a-9691-4a4303427de8     /home                ext4         defaults,rw,noatime       0       2 #Home

What parameter I should use to avoid that? users? but I am using defaults.

Offline ro_sid

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The line is:
Code: [Select]
UUID=eb571aee-cdf5-4564-a5df-d736bf9d87a0     /media/mte90/Doh-cker/    ext4    defaults,rw,relatime 0    0
What puzzles me is your mountpoint. "/media" is normally reserved for "removable" devices and controlled by "udisks2"/Dolphin (& Co.). Most users I know of use (subdirectories of) "/mnt" to mount "fixed" devices.
On the other hand, I do know that especially Dolphin requires a root password from me when mounting internal drives using Siduction-(KDE-)Live not(!) mounted to "/media". If none is set, it does not let me mount anything (there). So, may be, try another mountpoint!? I see nothing conspicuous in your (mount-)options by the way.
But also the others don't have that issue, it is asking me just once the password for that device:
Code: [Select]
UUID=c48349e2-2ce5-4223-af5a-b299ca65234c     /                    ext4         defaults,rw,noatime,discard,commit=60  0    1   #Root
   4   │ UUID=13faa8e9-0339-443c-85be-7e76834673ad     /media/disk3part1    ext4         defaults,rw,relatime           0    2 #Archivio
   5   │ UUID=b0b4ec87-64e8-4d8a-9691-4a4303427de8     /home                ext4         defaults,rw,noatime       0       2 #Home
What parameter I should use to avoid that? users? but I am using defaults.
I am just puzzled, that " /media/disk3part1" gives you no trouble, too.

Offline Mte90

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I have that fstab file since aptosid or sidux and I didn't changed the mountpoint ( I have the same installation since 10 years~ on my workstation) so the mountpoint probably is the same when I configured.

About the parameters yeah I don't understand why I get that alert when I boot up the system.

Offline ro_sid

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There is just one other peculiarity I (now) see with you "problem-disk". That is the trailing "/" of the mount point location. Not forbidden, though.
Since it mounts and then shutdowns(?) fine, it seems unlikely, there is a filesystem inconsistency. Nevertheless, you could force a "fsck" on the drive/partition to check it.
No further ideas come to my mind (yet :) ).

Offline Mte90

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I have some symlink in that drive that are used in the root partition so probably is getting automatically mounted when the other disk is loaded.
I can change the order in the fstab just in case.

Offline Klimassx

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There is just one other peculiarity I (now) see with you "problem-disk". That is the trailing "/" of the mount point location. Not forbidden, though.
Since it mounts and then shutdowns(?) fine, it seems unlikely, there is a filesystem inconsistency. Nevertheless, you could force a "fsck" on the drive/partition to check it.
No further ideas come to my mind (yet :) ).
Yeah, the trailing "/" is a bit odd, but like you said, it's not a dealbreaker. If it's mounting and shutting down fine, a filesystem issue seems unlikely, but running a "fsck" definitely can't hurt just to be sure. Let's see if anything else pops up