I saw the note about lua when conky was upgraded a few weeks ago, but my conky continued to run, while spitting errors, so I did not attempt to change it right away. Today I got around to it.
You need to convert your conky script, typically ~/.conkyrc, to a lua script. That sounded scary to me, but it should not be. All you need to know and do is the following:
- the config options are lookup values and you need to assign the values (i.e. use "=")
- each line in the config section ends with "," (a comma)
- replace "yes" and "no" with "true" and "false", resp. (without quotes)
- all values except numbers, "true" and "false" need single quotes
- comments are marked with "--" instead of "#"
The config section now needs to begin and end like this:
conky.config = {
alignment = 'top_right',
background = false,
border_width = 0,
cpu_avg_samples = 2,
--default_color = 'white',
--default_outline_color = 'black',
---default_shade_color = 'black',
temperature_unit = 'fahrenheit',
double_buffer = true,
short_units = true,
own_window_argb_visual = true,
and the text section like this:
conky.text = [[
${goto 105}${font UbuntuTitleBold:size=20}${color4}Hibiscus${font}
#Host: $alignr $nodename
#${font Terminus:size=8}
${font Terminus:style=bold:size=14}${time %k:%M:%S}${alignr}${time %a %d.%b.%Y}${font}
Uptime: $uptime
${font Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:size=8}${color white}${tcp_portmon 32768 61000 rhost 0} ${alignr} ${tcp_portmon 32768 61000 rservice 0}
${tcp_portmon 32768 61000 rhost 1} ${alignr} ${tcp_portmon 32768 61000 rservice 1}
${tcp_portmon 32768 61000 rhost 2} ${alignr} ${tcp_portmon 32768 61000 rservice 2}
Arch wiki mentions a conversion script, but I had already manually edited mine before I found that, someone else can post about their results with it.
There is at least one obvious bug -- a display of top processes shows the command that runs it, instead of the process name. Online posting elsewhere indicates there are numerous other bugs.
Hope this helps.