Nobody is forced to use german, and also nobody is forced to use any other language here.
This forum is, what you and other members make of it. So if you've interesting stuff around siduction and linux, put it in the english part of forum and let it grow.
That's great. And I agree.
As long as German goes into the German Forum and English goes into the English Forum.
Right now, I don't have that choice, as too many German posts ends up in the English forum.
Especially the over-important d-u issues forum.
If I have a question, I use my father language to discuss about it, and it is german, if you want to take part of it, use Google translation, if not, feel free to ignore it. But please do_not_educate_me which language I've to use.
I believe I can, if you post German in the English Forum.
Especially since you are part of the Siduction team.
And if you do not post in the wrong forum, then I can educate you anyway, as you are responsible for the actions of others. (Being a mod).
Intentionally or not.
I am posting this not because I like to complain, but because I am interested in seeing the Siduction community grow.
I can live with a separate German Forum, and I can also live with the fact that the Siduction distribution has made German the default language for everything.
The spellchecker in Iceweasel is set to German...
That's not a big issue, but I think you'll benefit from choosing an official language and stick with it.
I know that you started out from being a German community, but that's history, isn't it?
Would be great if you moderators would move German topics and posts from the English forum whenever you see them.
Thanks - and keep up the otherwise splendid work.
/* switches spell checker from German to English */