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Thanks @Teriarch for the clarifications and reassurances.  (And, mostly, for the fix!)  I will try your script tomorrow morning.
Upgrade Warnings / Re: Problem updating texlive
« Last post by finotti on 2025/01/29, 21:44:27 »
It seems that the bug has been fixed.


I will not know for sure until another version of texlive comes, though, I suppose. :-)
Debian hat gerade nachgelegt und bietet mit dem Befehl
Code: [Select]
sudo apt modernize-sources eine automatische Konvertierung von .lists auf .sources inklusive dem Signed-By Eintrag, wo möglich.

Dazu gibt es auch einen Artikel bei LinuxNews.
Code: [Select]
Debian vereinfacht Umstellung auf deb822
> [...], as it makes me worried to hack packages like this

To the less experienced the script might look a little scary, but I assure you:
There is nothing to be scared of (That's what they mean, when they say: "Minimally invasive").

> How will this affect future updates?

It won't. If hplip get's an update, so be it. The patched files will be replaced by the new ones (which
hopefully will work this time) and that's it. And the package manager is not aware of the previous
changes, since we patched after the install.

If python3 gets an update before hplip does, hplip will be removed in the process. But you can run
the script again to allow for another life cycle of ancient hplip (as long as python3 remains compatible
with python3.12 nothing happens).

> Will the modified hplip be replaced by the new official version when it is released?

Yes it will. As soon as there is a new release available. Not a single trace will remain.

> Do we need to remove anything later on or take any special actions in the future?

No, we don't. As soon as new releases will be available the old ones will be replaced
and the twilight disappears.

Rest assured that the main concern is always the regular course of events.
Software - Support / Incompatibility with Lazarus/Free Pascal
« Last post by mash on 2025/01/29, 18:24:39 »
Dear fellows,
I've come a long way from Kanotix and aptosid, sidux and now for a couple of years siduction.
Unfortunately I have severe problems now with Lazarus, which turned up in the recent months. And in the Lazarus-Forums I was adviced to switch to stable in order to solve my problems.
Or are there any developers here who still work with Lazarus and sid, who could help me?
I will try and test MX on one of my machines in the next couple of days.
If that works well I will make that switch also on my other machines.
I want to say thank you to the community here who have been always helpful and who contributed to this project. Especially the admins and the people in the IRC and those who helped here in the forum.
Kind regards
A minor improvement to get rid of the version tracking in case
Python3 is getting an update (and don't forget to chmod 755 the
script before execution):


How will this affect future updates?  Will the modified hplip be replaced by the new official version when it is released?  Do we need to remove anything later on or take any special actions in the future?

I've been trying to hold for an official fix, as it makes me worried to hack packages like this (since I am not familiar with how it all works), but it is taking so long...
Upgrade Warnings / Re: freecad removed on todays f-u
« Last post by charlyheinz on 2025/01/29, 10:01:54 »
Here the same. After running a dist-upgrade today (without solver3.0) Freecad and QGis are running as expected. They should be removed yesterday too.
I thought suites were limited to the Debian definitions stable,testing,unstable and experiential but obviously not as the Mozilla repro now looks like this

Types: deb
URIs: https://packages.mozilla.org/apt/
Suites: mozilla
Components: main
Signed-By: /etc/apt/keyrings/packages.mozilla.org.asc
The credit in this case goes to Debian. Still, they could have done this from the start and not a week after throwing this at users without any comment or help
This is fantastic news for inexperienced Siduction users (like me) who are trying to keep their nose above water. Big thanks to those who made this fix. Loving Siduction even more.

Encouraging  - to the degree possible - those who control Debian / Siduction development put The horse before the cart when update/upgrade issues like this crop up in the future.
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