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Author Topic:  Install aborted with log using xfce-amd64 live usb  (Read 12992 times)


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Trying to install Siduction amd64 with Xfce live usb, created from iso. After having correctly selected all options prior to installation, the process aborts with the following log:
Code: [Select]

O: loading modules
O: Initialisation done
O: starting installation
O: starting load_config
O: load the configuration
E: Parameter BOOT_WHERE is not defined
O: siduction-installer ended abnormally

What can I do to proceed from here?

Offline michaa7

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Re: Install aborted with log using xfce-amd64 live usb
« Reply #1 on: 2012/12/03, 14:40:04 »
Quote from: "braveheartleo"
...the following log:
Code: [Select]

E: Parameter BOOT_WHERE is not defined
O: siduction-installer ended abnormally


I am not deeply familiar with the installer. To me it seems you did not define where to install Grub and/or which of your partitons should be used for "/".

Anyway, you did not give all information neccessary.

My 2.5 c
Ok, you can't code, but you still might be able to write a bug report for Debian's sake


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Re: Install aborted with log using xfce-amd64 live usb
« Reply #2 on: 2012/12/03, 15:03:12 »
Quote from: "michaa7"

I am not deeply familiar with the installer. To me it seems you did not define where to install Grub and/or which of your partitons should be used for "/".

Just to be clear this isn't my first time installing siduction.

I don't know how to generate an installation configuration report to show the selections I made before proceeding with installation, but I did select Bootmanager: GRUB into /dev/sda, root-fs:sda3 from the options presented.

Offline der_bud

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Re: Install aborted with log using xfce-amd64 live usb
« Reply #3 on: 2012/12/03, 16:15:28 »
This won't probably help much, but I remember I have seen the "BOOT_WHERE is not defined" once in rc1 (xfce-32 bit). Did not bug-report that, because I could not reproduce it. I thought for myself that I did sth wrong with freshly created partitions.
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Re: Install aborted with log using xfce-amd64 live usb
« Reply #4 on: 2012/12/03, 16:38:18 »
Quote from: "der_bud"
This won't probably help much, but I remember I have seen the "BOOT_WHERE is not defined" once in rc1 (xfce-32 bit). Did not bug-report that, because I could not reproduce it. I thought for myself that I did sth wrong with freshly created partitions.

But I think you should have, because there is a bug in the sidu-installer, particularly the 'Installation target' for the 'Bootmanager' install section.

If one selects 'Installaton target: Masterboot-sector', then the installation pushes through. But if one selects 'Installation target: /dev/sda', then that's where the problem manifests.

The last time 'Installation target: /dev/sda' worked for me was with desperado-reloaded.

Here's the bug report in chili: http://chili.siduction.org/issues/1019

Offline der_bud

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Re: Install aborted with log using xfce-amd64 live usb
« Reply #5 on: 2012/12/03, 18:34:26 »
At least I can guess now what could have happenend in rc1. There was another small bug with devices sometimes not syncing/refreshing when created from inside the installer (solved by now). Perhaps I chose the wrong grub target without really noticing it at first try, getting above error, and at second try the correct entry was offered and the BOOT_WHERE-thing was not triggered.
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