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Author Topic:  LxQT 2016.1 - no wifi connection on runlevel 3  (Read 23653 times)


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LxQT 2016.1 - no wifi connection on runlevel 3
« on: 2016/03/11, 10:02:47 »
Hello, I am not sure if this is a bug but i cant get any wifi on runlevel 3 when i try to update from the init 3 console. I set the networking on for levels 345 manually thru chkconfig, disabled connman and dhcpcd but still no luck. Moreover once i get back to X from the console - connman shows my wifi as idle and i cant bring it up no matter how i try - only rebooting seems to fix it. Any answers will be greatly appreciated.

Offline musca

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Re: LxQT 2016.1 - no wifi connection on runlevel 3
« Reply #1 on: 2016/03/11, 12:14:23 »
Hello bokoto,

updating in runlevel 3 mostly is a historical requirement, because restarting the dbus service could crash your X11-session and interrupt your dist-upgrade. This bug has been fixed.

You can use screen or tmux to preserve your running terminal and reattach with "screen -x" or "tmux attach".
Or switch to console and stop your display-manager with "systemctl stop display-manager.service".

It is not clear why your network isn't available in the multi-user target. I think it's a glitch in systemd's dependency based startup sequence for your services.

„Es irrt der Mensch, solang er strebt.“  (Goethe, Faust)


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Re: LxQT 2016.1 - no wifi connection on runlevel 3
« Reply #2 on: 2016/03/11, 13:22:52 »
Thanks for your answer, so basically what you are saying is that it is no longer required to do the dist-upgrade from init 3 but timux can bu used instead?


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Re: LxQT 2016.1 - no wifi connection on runlevel 3
« Reply #3 on: 2016/03/11, 16:40:56 »
Personally just drop to tty1 with ctl-alt-F1 and do you upgrade or full-upgrade and then back again with ctl-alt-F7, as yet I have not had any problems.  :)

Regards, tom


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Re: LxQT 2016.1 - no wifi connection on runlevel 3
« Reply #4 on: 2016/03/11, 18:31:27 »
Personally just drop to tty1 with ctl-alt-F1 and do you upgrade or full-upgrade and then back again with ctl-alt-F7, as yet I have not had any problems.  :)

Regards, tom

Thanks for your advice - I already did that - However my question was more to the admin as to what instruction we need to follow in case of such problems. the manual instructs to use the init 3 , but if that doesn't work ( as in my case ) maybe alternatvie instruction for using tmux could be included.

Offline melmarker

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Re: LxQT 2016.1 - no wifi connection on runlevel 3
« Reply #5 on: 2016/03/11, 19:31:51 »
there is no init 3 anymore in systemd - does that answer your question?
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Re: LxQT 2016.1 - no wifi connection on runlevel 3
« Reply #6 on: 2016/03/11, 19:35:04 »
there is no init 3 anymore in systemd - does that answer your question?

Perfect thats what i was looking for in the answer - thanks !

Offline melmarker

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Re: LxQT 2016.1 - no wifi connection on runlevel 3
« Reply #7 on: 2016/03/11, 19:38:25 »
the hints to use tmux, screen or simply stop the DM are still valid in case of X crashes during a dist upgrade. But to be true - i never leaved the graphical environment to make an upgrade within the last 5 years.
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. (Benjamin Franklin, November 11, 1755)
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Offline musca

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Re: LxQT 2016.1 - no wifi connection on runlevel 3
« Reply #8 on: 2016/03/12, 11:35:46 »
even the most advanced and best prepared sid users will sometimes find themselves being dropped to the linux console when their xorg doesn't start after a dist-upgrade. Thus I think doing the dist-upgrade in the pure linux console is a good preparation for the worst case when your X11 (or your display-manager or your desktop session) doesn't start. Being familiar with the console tools is a good starting position for any recovery plan.

@melmarker: Bad advice. Not being hit in five years is just luck,  see this changelog.

systemd (226-4) unstable; urgency=medium
   * debian/tests/logind: Be more verbose on failures.
   * Don't restart logind on upgrades any more. This kills X.org (#798097)
     while logind doesn't save/restore its open fds (issue #1163), and also
     gets confused about being idle in between (LP: #1473800)
 -- pitti@d.o   Fri, 02 Oct 2015 13:44:28 +0200

Bugs will hit us at any time and being well prepared is my personal counter measure.

„Es irrt der Mensch, solang er strebt.“  (Goethe, Faust)

Offline melmarker

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Re: LxQT 2016.1 - no wifi connection on runlevel 3
« Reply #9 on: 2016/03/12, 16:56:44 »
musca: May be - but hey - i'm only a short term linux user since 2009 - and i've never leaved X for upgrades. Not in Ubuntu, not in Arch, not in aptosid, not in siduction. And as i wrote - the hints are still valid. But it feels (to me) a little bit like wearing belt and braces.
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. (Benjamin Franklin, November 11, 1755)
Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity. (Hanlons razor)

Offline piper

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Re: LxQT 2016.1 - no wifi connection on runlevel 3
« Reply #10 on: 2016/03/12, 22:07:44 »
I have always left X for upgrades, the past 6 months with systemd a little less, depends on whats being updated now. I think I will continue in X till I get burned, it has happened in the past more than a few times, but, I want to test this out to the fullest again.
Free speech isn't just fucking saying what you want to say, it's also hearing what you don't want to fucking hear

I either give too many fucks or no fucks at all, it's like I cannot find a middle ground for a moderate fuck distribution, it's like what the fuck

Offline melmarker

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Re: LxQT 2016.1 - no wifi connection on runlevel 3
« Reply #11 on: 2016/03/12, 22:33:53 »
What should happend - ok, a upgrade might break and one has to do a dpkg --configure -a as one is in the console now :). hmm - leaving x each time sounds like a lot more effort.
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. (Benjamin Franklin, November 11, 1755)
Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity. (Hanlons razor)


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Re: LxQT 2016.1 - no wifi connection on runlevel 3
« Reply #12 on: 2016/03/13, 09:02:36 »
Not disagreeing but as a beginner and crashing and burning a few times I find it much easier and safer to switch between tty1 and tty7 when performing a dist "full-upgrade". But then I'm still learning how to make and keep things up and running like the rest of you!  :) 

Regards, Tom


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Re: LxQT 2016.1 - no wifi connection on runlevel 3
« Reply #13 on: 2016/03/13, 19:38:48 »
Thank you all for your advices - I am doing the dist upgrade from tty1 for now - so lets see how we progress - thisis by far the best LxQt I ve seen - i've also tried the new one from Manajro but it is quite streamline or to say too much Manjaro-ish - which doesn't make it bad but I prefer the sidu version by far and large... the only downside to this version is the decision to go with connman which is the only app that is causing me headaches...( buggy interface with CMST - no re-connect on resume, random idle state). Does someone know if i can purge connman and install something more reliable as a net. manager without a major shake-up to the system?

Offline melmarker

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Re: LxQT 2016.1 - no wifi connection on runlevel 3
« Reply #14 on: 2016/03/14, 00:49:02 »
one could disable/purge connman and use ceni + wpagui or so - or networkmanager and some interface i dont know or wicd - its your choice.

cmst is still in heavy development, but the most things should work - reconnect should work, there is a hook in the settings. if things dont work please file a bug in debian or better directly at https://github.com/andrew-bibb/cmst/issues

EDIT: btw - we will stay with cmst/connman - if there are things to be improved, we will improve them. Step by step. And yes, i know that some issues with connman can be improved too, situation is the same as with cmst - still in heavy development, but on a good way.
« Last Edit: 2016/03/14, 00:53:51 by melmarker »
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. (Benjamin Franklin, November 11, 1755)
Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity. (Hanlons razor)