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Author Topic:  Neuer siduction Merch Shop / New siduction Merch Shop  (Read 9326 times)

Offline vinzv

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Weil ja Frühling ist und ihr vielleicht neue T-Shirts oder eine neue Kaffeetasse braucht, gibt es jetzt einen Shop für siduction Merchandise: https://siduction.org/siduction-shop/

Durch den Einkauf dort unterstützt ihr das siduction Projekt, denn ca. ein Viertel des Kaufpreises gehen an uns (im Sinne von: uns alle hier, weil in die laufenden Kosten für das Projekt). Momentan gibt es eine Handvoll Motive auf unterschiedlichen Klamotten und anderen Dingen. Wenn ihr gerne etwas anderes noch hättet, lasst es uns gerne wissen!

Wichtig: Der Shop liefert nur innerhalb der EU! Für Leute aus den Nordamerika muss der entsprechende Shop erst noch erstellt werden!

Because it's spring time and you might need new t-shirts or a new coffee mug, there is now a store for siduction merchandise: https://siduction.org/siduction-shop/

With your purchase there you support the siduction project, because about a quarter of the sales price goes to us (in the sense of: all of us here, because towards the running costs for the project). At the moment there are a handful of motifs on different clothes and other things. If you would like to have something else, please let us know!

Important: The store delivers only within the EU! For people from North America the corresponding store is yet to be set up!

Offline Mister00X

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Re: Neuer siduction Merch Shop / New siduction Merch Shop
« Reply #1 on: 2022/04/26, 00:13:54 »
Tolle Sache, hab mir gleich mal was bestellt  8)
Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say. – Edward Snowden

Offline dibl

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Re: Neuer siduction Merch Shop / New siduction Merch Shop
« Reply #2 on: 2022/04/26, 19:05:14 »
One North American is waiting with Patience ...   ;D
System76 Oryx Pro, Intel Core i7-11800H, SSD 970 EVO Plus;  Asus ROG STRIX X299-E, Core i7-7740X, Nvidia GTX-1060, dual monitors, SSD 860 EVO

Offline Mister00X

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Re: Neuer siduction Merch Shop / New siduction Merch Shop
« Reply #3 on: 2022/05/29, 22:14:41 »
Eine Frage:
Habt ihr mal darüber nachgedacht vielleicht auch Sticker zu verkaufen? Ich dachte da an was für den Laptop-Deckel?
Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say. – Edward Snowden

Offline vinzv

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Re: Neuer siduction Merch Shop / New siduction Merch Shop
« Reply #4 on: 2022/05/30, 13:18:53 »
Sticker gibt's schon. Warum die nicht gelisted sind, weiß ich grad nicht.

Aber bestellbar sind die auf jeden Fall hier: https://siduction-eu.myspreadshop.de/sticker?q=D23

Offline Mister00X

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Re: Neuer siduction Merch Shop / New siduction Merch Shop
« Reply #5 on: 2022/05/30, 17:13:50 »
Ah super!
Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say. – Edward Snowden