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What's your screen resolution?

640x480 Pixels
0 (0%)
800x600 Pixels
0 (0%)
1024x600 Pixels
0 (0%)
1024x768 Pixels
2 (4.2%)
1152x864 Pixels
0 (0%)
1280x720 Pixels
0 (0%)
1280x800 Pixels
1 (2.1%)
1280x1024 Pixels
2 (4.2%)
1366x768 Pixels
6 (12.5%)
1440x900 Pixels
2 (4.2%)
1440x1050 Pixels
0 (0%)
1600x1200 Pixels
2 (4.2%)
1680x1050 Pixels
1 (2.1%)
1920x1080 Pixels
17 (35.4%)
1920x1200 Pixels
5 (10.4%)
2560x1080 Pixels
2 (4.2%)
2560x1440 Pixels
3 (6.3%)
2560x1600 Pixels
0 (0%)
2560x2048 Pixels
0 (0%)
3440x1440 Pixels
2 (4.2%)
3840x2160 Pixels
3 (6.3%)

Total Members Voted: 27

Voting closed: 2022/12/19, 11:24:37

Author Topic: [EN] What's your screen resolution?  (Read 6677 times)

Offline vinzv

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[EN] What's your screen resolution?
« on: 2022/12/14, 11:24:37 »
For the upcoming release, we want to get rid of old, small and possibly unused wallpaper sizes. Therefore, we want to know what resolutions are predominantly used - or not used at all. The poll lists all currently available wallpaper sizes up to now. Please select any resolution you use on any device running siduction.
