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Author Topic: [EN] Hello, and here's a Nala bug.  (Read 23189 times)

Offline unklarer

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[EN] Re: Hello, and here's a Nala bug.
« Reply #15 on: 2023/01/13, 11:59:09 »
Danke für die Aufklärung, hendrikL.  8)

Ich schwöre diese Dateien seinerzeit zu der damaligen Version 0.11.1 befragt zu haben. Mir ist nicht bewußt, dabei Tomaten auf den Augen gehabt zu haben.  >:(

Offline fams

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Re: Hello, and here's a Nala bug.
« Reply #16 on: 2023/01/13, 17:28:32 »
To use nala all you need is
Code: [Select]
nala upgradeThat incorporates
Code: [Select]
apt update && apt full-upgrade
Where is this documented ?

I mean, that was the first of two reasons why I uninstalled nala in October/November 2022, after a 14 day test.
I came to the conclusion that nala exactly does not do this dist-upgrade/full-upgrade and in the long run, I will destroy my system.
Wo ist das dokumentiert ?

Ich meine, das war der erste von zwei Gründen, warum ich im Oktober/November 2022, nala nach einem ca.14 tägigen Test wieder deinstalliert habe.
Ich kam zu dem Schluß, dass nala dieses dist-upgrade/full-upgrade genau nicht macht und langfristig gesehen, ich mir meine System zerstören werde.
« Last Edit: 2023/01/13, 17:33:11 by fams »

Offline hendrikL

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Re: Hello, and here's a Nala bug.
« Reply #17 on: 2023/01/13, 17:44:20 »
Um einiges noch einmal klarzustellen/ To clarify some things again:

nala upgrade == apt update ; apt full-upgrade

nala upgrade --no-full == apt update; apt upgrade.

And a second thing, always read what apt or nala want's to do, it is the same output with another formation!

Und noch etwas, lest was apt oder nala vorhat, es ist immer das gleiche nur anderst formatiert!

Both uses dpkg / beide nutzen dpkg!

Offline Michael

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Re: Hello, and here's a Nala bug.
« Reply #18 on: 2023/01/17, 17:24:33 »
Hi, I'm new to participating in a forum, hope to manage everything! And I'm by no means a computer expert, just reading manuals and trying to follow them correctly.

Regarding the bug, where nala hangs, waiting for confirmation, the developer has reacted to my bug report.
So, for now, a workaround is to add --raw-dpkg, when you call nala. You can set up an alias to include that in your call.

To help fixing that bug, he needs /var/log/nala/dpkg-debug.log from an instance where nala was hung because that file gets deleted after every run. If you want to help with that, just let me know when you have a file that will have the needed information.

So I updated with Nala today just to see whether I could capture a log. The update failed, the log and a screenshot is attached. Hope it helps.

Cheers, Michael

Offline edlin

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Re: Hello, and here's a Nala bug.
« Reply #19 on: 2023/01/17, 18:11:48 »
Try a simple
Code: [Select]
apt update && apt full upgradeThe output is not as perfectly formatted as with nala, but it does the same job.
With nala there are still some small problems with the communication with the user.

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Offline devil

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Re: Hello, and here's a Nala bug.
« Reply #20 on: 2023/01/17, 19:13:13 »
Hi Michael,

thank you for the report. I added it to the bug report.

Offline devil

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Re: Hello, and here's a Nala bug.
« Reply #21 on: 2023/01/20, 08:43:01 »
The problem with nala and debconf  seems to be caused by siduction using the program dialog for debconf messages, whereas Debian uses whiptail. Blake Lee, the dev of nala has made a fixed version that we can try out before it hits sid. Find it under nala_0.12.1+dev_all.deb. The bug report has the latest developments. Please report back any findings.

Offline eriefisher

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Re: Hello, and here's a Nala bug.
« Reply #22 on: 2023/01/20, 15:08:08 »
I ran the new version this morning. It completed fine but I find it hangs on the update off and on. I'll run --fetch again to change mirrors and see if it makes a difference. I also see a lot of flicker of the terminal while it's "hanging".
« Last Edit: 2023/01/20, 15:19:12 by eriefisher »

Offline devil

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Re: Hello, and here's a Nala bug.
« Reply #23 on: 2023/01/20, 19:56:19 »
Thanks for that, submitted to the bug report.

Offline eriefisher

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Re: Hello, and here's a Nala bug.
« Reply #24 on: 2023/01/22, 13:23:30 »
Out of curiousity I ran it again this morning against a different mirror list just to see if there was a difference. No difference. My cpu's get hit pretty hard during the entire process and it can take some time to complete the "update" part of things. The Download and install/upgrade part seems to happen without issue and quick. Attached the new log and some shots for reference.

Offline popo

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Hello Siducers,

What is the "official" way to regularly update one's system?

Discover tells me now that I have 166 packages to update for a 128.5Mb size,
"apt full-upgrade" tells me I have 169 packages for a 303Mb size (I'm following the manual for "apt full-upgrade").


Offline edlin

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Please use apt or alternatively nala (based on apt).
Discover or Synaptic will cause you problems sooner or later (Sid was the boy next door who destroyed toys :'( ).

apt (and nala) do not cause any problems with sid. But pay attention to the output of apt or nala before updating!
The normal way:
Code: [Select]
apt update && apt full-upgradeor
Code: [Select]
nala upgrade During a transition it can happen that a lot of essential packages have to be removed. In this case, use the safe option for the transition:
Code: [Select]
apt update && apt upgradeor
Code: [Select]
nala upgrade --no-fullIn this case, only the packages that do not cause the removal of other packages will be installed.
And always check if there are warnings about upgrading; if you are unsure, just ask.

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Offline michaa7

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Code: [Select]
apt update && apt dist-upgrade
is the established way to go. 

***Read the output of what is going to happen !!!***

If no package is to be removed, you may go on.
If packages are to be removed evaluate by yourself whether you consider one of the packages' removal as doubtfull.
If you're insecure wait, look in this subforum or ask.
Ok, you can't code, but you still might be able to write a bug report for Debian's sake

Offline edlin

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dist-upgrade is IMHO only documented for apt-get.
full-upgrade, on the other hand, is documented for apt (and not for apt-get); however, apt also runs dist-upgrade.
My question: Are there differences between apt full-upgrade and apt dist-upgrade? And if so, what are they?


„Ein kluger Mann macht nicht alle Fehler selber. Er lässt auch anderen eine Chance.“

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Offline towo

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My question: Are there differences between apt full-upgrade and apt dist-upgrade? And if so, what are they?
No differnence. apt dist-upgrade is an alias for full-upgrade.
Ich gehe nicht zum Karneval, ich verleihe nur manchmal mein Gesicht.