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Author Topic: [EN] Hello, and here's a Nala bug.  (Read 23188 times)

Offline michaa7

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[EN] Re: What is the preferred method to regularly update packages/system?
« Reply #30 on: 2023/01/23, 17:02:22 »
towo already answered it, but to make it even more specific: The underlaying function is called DoDistUpgrade. Both, full-upgrade and dist-upgrade call this function and thus have exactly the same outcome.

And as far as I read somewhere in the net, apt developers chose a new name because they felt dist-upgrade being too much associated with a new release when testing becomes stabel and a dist-upgrade (read: distribution upgrade) is absolutly neccessary. They felt the more general use of "dist-upgrade" outside of a transition from testing to stable to keep all packages and their dependencies consistent being less obvious. That's why they chose a new name .... pointing to exacly the same underlying function.
« Last Edit: 2023/01/23, 17:08:56 by michaa7 »
Ok, you can't code, but you still might be able to write a bug report for Debian's sake

Offline popo

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Thank you all for the info!

Offline Pip

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One extra bit which you may find useful

Code: [Select]
apt install apt-listbugswhich can point out some possible problems.

If, as edlin suggested you take a look at nala, there is (probably) the capability to reverse any installations: I've never done it myself, but it sounds interesting.

Offline devil

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»reverse any installations« is a concept of nala, that does not really work yet. If I remember correctly, the dev of nala once told me that he will try to fully roll that out when he rewrites nala in rust.

Offline Pip

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Thanks devil. I won't even experiment with a rollback, then.

Offline popo

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Offline WetGeek

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Re: Hello, and here's a Nala bug.
« Reply #36 on: 2023/01/25, 17:03:37 »
This may be considered off-topic here, but it's definitely related.  In my first post (that started this thread) I mentioned that I was trying Siduction in a VM as part of a set of threads on the Solus forums about reviewing "Other Interesting Distros."

A couple of weeks ago, Solus went dark.  Their web sites won't allow connections, repositories won't support upgrades (when syncs normally happen on a weekly basis), and even development links are inactive.  I have no way of learning what's happened.  And I don't look forward to no more security updates.

On the "Other Interesting Distros" threads, it was common for participants to start a post with something like, "If anything ever happens to Solus ... " to explain an interest in non-solus distros.  Well, now something has.  And because of my exposure to Siduction when I reviewed it, that's what I've now installed on two of my laptops.  I was very pleased to discover that, when configured the same way, using Siduction is virtually identical to using Solus.  Only two more laptops and three desktops to go!

Offline disc0biscuitz

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New to Siduction,but I love it!!

Thank You to those responsible..

Nala Upgrade hangs eveytime..righ at the end.

Usually th text renders correctly.

This is the first time it was illegible.

Thanks all

Offline disc0biscuitz

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I closed it and ran apt upgrade.

Everything was up to date.

Usually the packages are downloaded,but not installed after it hangs.

Offline volitank

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Re: Hello, and here's a Nala bug.
« Reply #39 on: 2023/01/26, 02:57:45 »
Hi Erie,

I'm the Nala developer, decided I'd make an account over here so I could view the thread attachments you posted.

This issue is a bit different, and I don't believe the update one to be an issue with Nala. Since it displays the `Fetched` message, the update is basically complete at this point.

The next steps are to generate the package cache binary, and run any post update install scripts.

I'm actually real glad you posted the CPU usage, cause that points us to exactly what is happening here. `cnf-update-db` is updating their database of possible commands. This script is part of the `command-not-found` package. So if you type `nala` and don't have it, it'll tell you how to get it.

I wouldn't immediately think that there is a issue with this script right off, maybe is just slow to update that database. I imagine if you give it a moment it will complete.

To test you can go find `/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50command-not-found` and rename it with `.disabled`, or comment out the lines in the file. Then run the update again and I imagine you won't experience this any longer.

Offline devil

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Re: Hello, and here's a Nala bug.
« Reply #40 on: 2023/01/26, 06:54:13 »
On Twitter the devs claim, they are having serious server troubles and have to rebuild everything. 

Offline eriefisher

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Re: Hello, and here's a Nala bug.
« Reply #41 on: 2023/01/26, 12:56:47 »
Hi Erie,

I'm the Nala developer, decided I'd make an account over here so I could view the thread attachments you posted.

This issue is a bit different, and I don't believe the update one to be an issue with Nala. Since it displays the `Fetched` message, the update is basically complete at this point.

The next steps are to generate the package cache binary, and run any post update install scripts.

I'm actually real glad you posted the CPU usage, cause that points us to exactly what is happening here. `cnf-update-db` is updating their database of possible commands. This script is part of the `command-not-found` package. So if you type `nala` and don't have it, it'll tell you how to get it.

I wouldn't immediately think that there is a issue with this script right off, maybe is just slow to update that database. I imagine if you give it a moment it will complete.

To test you can go find `/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50command-not-found` and rename it with `.disabled`, or comment out the lines in the file. Then run the update again and I imagine you won't experience this any longer.
I'm glad the attachments helped. I agree, I don't think this is a Nala issue now. It seem I'm showing at least similar behavier with straight apt update and apt upgrade. I will look into your suggestions. Thank you.

Offline WetGeek

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Re: Hello, and here's a Nala bug.
« Reply #42 on: 2023/01/26, 15:42:22 »
On Twitter the devs claim, they are having serious server troubles and have to rebuild everything.
Thanks for letting me know. After five years there, I have many friends in the Solus forum, and I look forward to chatting with them again.  Not sure if I'd re-install Solus, though.  Siduction is now working very well here. 

Offline devil

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Re: Hello, and here's a Nala bug.
« Reply #43 on: 2023/01/26, 17:56:23 »
Glad, you like it here.

Offline volitank

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Re: Hello, and here's a Nala bug.
« Reply #44 on: 2023/01/29, 05:26:18 »
I haven't heard much chatter about the issue from here after the dev release. We're going to get this update pushed to Sid soon. The freeze is causing some issues, and I'm working on getting Debian Maintainer status so I can push updates directly. So it may be a bit because of this, but I want everyone to know that we're working to resolve it asap.

I'm quite lax on bugs due to some personal issues, but deadlocks are always a priority. If you experience this, or anything similar after the dev release, please report them directly to our gitlab https://gitlab.com/volian/nala.

In case you're not aware, the release that should fix this can be downloaded https://gitlab.com/volian/nala/uploads/0576c26048e9fe381a73521d28fac27c/nala_0.12.1+dev_all.deb.