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Author Topic: [EN] incorrect shortcuts in Xfce's WIndow Manager (keyboard)  (Read 560 times)

Offline gour

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[EN] incorrect shortcuts in Xfce's WIndow Manager (keyboard)
« on: 2024/11/04, 11:19:44 »

as I wrote in another https://forum.siduction.org/index.php?topic=9500.0thread, the current siduction/xfce is the best Linux experience I had whatsoever.

However, few small glitches...I changed keyboard shortcuts in Xfce's WIndow Manager (keyboard tab) to e.g. use "Super+x" for swithcing to "x" workspace - I'm using 8 of them.

Despite the fact that I changed and they do work, still Xfce does not display the changed shortcut as could be seen on the image below:


Whenever I use(d) Xfce, I do always change such shortcuts, but never experienced that the changed shortcuts are not shown,

Any idea?

Offline eriefisher

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Re: incorrect shortcuts in Xfce's WIndow Manager (keyboard)
« Reply #1 on: 2024/11/04, 12:40:48 »
Although I never noticed this before I have confirmed what you describe. However, this has nothing to do with Siduction and everything to do with the way Xfce4 is coded. I suggest you file a bug report. Responses are usually fairly quick, changes, who knows.


Offline gour

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Re: incorrect shortcuts in Xfce's WIndow Manager (keyboard)
« Reply #2 on: 2024/11/04, 12:54:16 »
Although I never noticed this before I have confirmed what you describe. However, this has nothing to do with Siduction and everything to do with the way Xfce4 is coded. I suggest you file a bug report. Responses are usually fairly quick, changes, who knows.

I did submit bug report  to Xfce, but I never encountered such behaviour with any other distro?
« Last Edit: 2024/11/04, 13:04:03 by gour »

Offline gour

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Re: incorrect shortcuts in Xfce's WIndow Manager (keyboard)
« Reply #3 on: 2024/11/05, 12:51:12 »
Although I never noticed this before I have confirmed what you describe.

As I wrote earlier - I never experienced this bug with neither other distros nor with Debian/Sid. Bug report was moved to another project and here is the reply:

Gaël Bonithon
@Tamaranch · 18 hours ago

I can't reproduce this, even with 4.18. Xfce 4.20 is coming out soon, if you ever get a chance to test with the latest development versions of xfce4-settings, xfwm4 and libxfce4ui, it might be useful.

so I would appreciate if some other Xfce user here could confirm the problem and/or give some hint what might be different in siduction to trigger the problem?

Offline eriefisher

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Re: incorrect shortcuts in Xfce's WIndow Manager (keyboard)
« Reply #4 on: 2024/11/05, 13:04:45 »
I'm currently have issues logging into Gitlab and currently don't have the patience to deal with it again. If you can post on the https://forum.xfce.org/ I can follow up there. Both the developers in your gitlab thread are in the forum regularly.

Offline scholle1

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Re: incorrect shortcuts in Xfce's WIndow Manager (keyboard)
« Reply #5 on: 2024/11/05, 14:15:51 »
This is not a solution, but it is an approach.

I found this one. It describes a similar problem:

The values are saved here:

The command
Code: [Select]
xfconf-query -c xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts -lv | grep workspace_1_key
/xfwm4/custom/<Alt><Control>KP_1          move_window_workspace_1_key
/xfwm4/custom/<Control>F1                 workspace_1_key
/xfwm4/custom/<Primary>F1                 workspace_1_key
/xfwm4/custom/<Super>F1                   workspace_1_key
after I made a few attempts.

It seems that the changed values are not overwritten, but inserted somewhere in the file. I do not know how the evaluation then takes place.
I will make further attempts.
« Last Edit: 2024/11/05, 16:33:59 by scholle1 »
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Offline gour

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Re: incorrect shortcuts in Xfce's WIndow Manager (keyboard)
« Reply #6 on: 2024/11/05, 14:21:59 »
I'm currently have issues logging into Gitlab and currently don't have the patience to deal with it again. If you can post on the https://forum.xfce.org/ I can follow up there. Both the developers in your gitlab thread are in the forum regularly.

Here is the link.

Offline scholle1

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Re: incorrect shortcuts in Xfce's WIndow Manager (keyboard)
« Reply #7 on: 2024/11/05, 21:40:38 »
Now a somewhat tricky solution.
It seems that the system-wide configuration takes precedence over the user configuration for the display.
The easiest way is to rename the xfce-keyboard-shortcuts.xml file located below /etc.

First check the user configuration.
This example shows the change for the 2nd workspace only.
Code: [Select]
:~$ cat .config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts.xml
...    {Around the middle of the file}
    <property name="custom" type="empty">
      <property name="&lt;Control&gt;F1" type="string" value="workspace_1_key"/>
      <property name="&lt;Control&gt;F3" type="string" value="workspace_3_key"/>
      <property name="&lt;Control&gt;F4" type="string" value="workspace_4_key"/>
...    {Near the end}
      <property name="override" type="bool" value="true"/>
      <property name="&lt;Primary&gt;F2" type="string" value="workspace_2_key"/>
There is no "workspace_2_key" in the middle but at the end after <property name=“override” ...>
All changes that you have made must be entered in this way.
If not, the workflow will be somewhat more extensive. Then please get in touch.

For now, the simpler version.

Rename the system-wide configuration, backup user configuration, and reboot. (root terminal)
Code: [Select]
cd /etc/xdg/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/
mv xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts.xml backup_xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts.xml
cd /home/<username>/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/
cp xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts.xml saved_xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts.xml
init 6
You now have a backup copy of your settings.

Start the settings dialog and check what is displayed and your settings.
« Last Edit: 2024/11/05, 21:58:25 by scholle1 »
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Offline gour

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Re: incorrect shortcuts in Xfce's WIndow Manager (keyboard)
« Reply #8 on: 2024/11/06, 13:17:29 »
It seems that the system-wide configuration takes precedence over the user configuration for the display.
The easiest way is to rename the xfce-keyboard-shortcuts.xml file located below /etc.


Rename the system-wide configuration, backup user configuration, and reboot. (root terminal)
Code: [Select]
cd /etc/xdg/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/
mv xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts.xml backup_xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts.xml
cd /home/<username>/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/
cp xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts.xml saved_xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts.xml
init 6
You now have a backup copy of your settings.

Start the settings dialog and check what is displayed and your settings.

All my customized shortcuts were gone and I was able to start from the scratch...entering my customized shorts are now properly displayed.

Not the simplest workaround, but I believe that is something interesting for the Xfce devs in order to arrive at the proper solution!

Offline scholle1

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Re: incorrect shortcuts in Xfce's WIndow Manager (keyboard)
« Reply #9 on: 2024/11/06, 14:38:52 »
This solution has the disadvantage that the file in /etc is restored when XFCE is upgraded and then the problem is repeated. In addition, the default settings for a new user are missing.

My guess is that we have a problem with the search paths. I will continue to test and report back.
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