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Author Topic:  [LXDE iso] Lxappearance / Pcmanfm  (Read 8840 times)


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[LXDE iso] Lxappearance / Pcmanfm
« on: 2011/12/23, 18:36:56 »
I tested the lxde iso on Virtualbox(4.1.2) (running the livecd. I'll install it and check again later) and I found out that when you rightclick on the window of pcmanfm it gets restarted. Updating it solves the problem.
Lxappearance gets me:
Code: [Select]
** (lxappearance:2438): DEBUG: cursor theme name: DMZ-Black
Segmentation fault

Erasing the /usr/share/icon/default/index.theme I get:
Code: [Select]
** (lxappearance:10365): DEBUG: cursor theme name: (null)
(lxappearance:10365): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_unref:assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed
Segmentation fault
I get the 2 line 8times

Offline devil

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[LXDE iso] Lxappearance / Pcmanfm
« Reply #1 on: 2011/12/23, 18:55:45 »
There is a fixed version in our repository already.


Offline coruja

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[LXDE iso] Lxappearance / Pcmanfm
« Reply #2 on: 2011/12/23, 22:11:02 »
Hi Evilakos! :)

As devil has already hinted at, there is a new version of pcmanfm in our fixes repo: pcmanfm (0.9.10-0.siduction.1), which solves this issue.

Concerning lxappearance, unfortunately it is broken in debian now (see http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=650609). I've included on the lxde images gtk-chtheme as a kind of substitute until lxappearance is fixed in debian. By using gtk-chtheme, you can at least change and customize gtk themes - you can find it in the system tools' menu.