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Author Topic:  Time set to GMT when running Live  (Read 8991 times)


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Time set to GMT when running Live
« on: 2011/12/22, 15:41:44 »

I was not aware that this project existed until seeing the announcement for siduction 11.1 RC this morning on distrowatch.com

So, I downloaded 11.1 RC (kde lite version) this morning and installed it in VirtualBox (using Mepis 11 as the host OS), and did noticed something you may want to be aware of.

My System Clock is set to local time here (US/Eastern), and when I boot using the live .iso, it sets the clock to GMT.   So, when running from a live session, that means you have to use a terminal to set a root password (using sudo passwd) so you can change the date/time back so that it's right again using the adjust date and time feature of the panel's clock.

After installed, it doesn't show this behavior (retains settings again after it's set, and using a time server also works fine if you set your time zone to US/Eastern during the install process).

But, for whatever reason, if you're running live (booting into the iso), it changes the time to GMT.

Perhaps that's deliberate and it's supposed to work that way.    But, my preference would be that it uses the system time as set.

So, just in case the time changing to GMT from a live session was not done that way deliberately, I thought I'd let you guys know about it.

Please keep up the good work, as this disro appears to be quite "snappy" from what I can tell running it under VirtualBox, with very low resource requirements, despite using a KDE desktop.  That would make it a great candidate for use on more machines.  So, I'll probably see how it works on a low powered netbook I have with a Celeron Mobile CPU in it to get a better feel for it.

Offline devil

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Time set to GMT when running Live
« Reply #1 on: 2011/12/22, 18:14:26 »

So, just in case the time changing to GMT from a live session was not done that way deliberately, I thought I'd let you guys know about it.

Thanks, it was not. Looking into it, no idea at the moment though.

 So, I'll probably see how it works on a low powered netbook I have with a Celeron Mobile CPU in it to get a better feel for it.

For that oldie you might want to look into the LXDE flavour.



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RE: Time set to GMT when running Live
« Reply #2 on: 2011/12/23, 02:15:25 »
It's not that old.  ;-)

I've actually got two netbooks with Celeron Mobile CPUs in them.  One is an Eee PC 900 16G with an older 900Mhz Celeron Mobile, and my newest one is a Dell 11Z with a faster 1.3Ghz Celeron 743 Mobile in it.   The older Eee PC 900 16G runs Mepis 11 (using KDE 4.5.3) just fine, and I've tested both Mepis 11 and Kubuntu 11.10 (using a newer KDE 4.7 desktop) on the newer Dell, and both distros run just fine with KDE desktops on the Dell 11Z (it's a pretty "snappy" netbook, considering it's only got a single core 1.3Ghz Celeron Mobile CPU in it).

It looks like siduction is much leaner from what I can tell by installing it in VirtualBox.  So, it should run well on them, too.   KDE is not *that* resource hungry, and I prefer it to other desktops.

I'll probably give it a spin on the newer Dell 11Z, as the older Eee PC has seen it's better days and I really don't use it for anything now (it's got a cracked display and the SSD in it is giving me problems).

I suspect it will run nicely on my newer Dell 11Z (and it's got 2GB of memory in it, along with an Intel 4500MHD video chipset, which should work fine for internet browsing and photo viewing, which is about all I'd use a netbook for).   I found it on sale in refurbished condition at Dell Outlet for $153.22 delivered after a coupon code, and I can't complain about it's performance for that price. :-)