wenn ich den steam client starte dann kommt das kleine Update Fenster und danach nichts mehr. Wenn ich es aus der Konsole starte bekomme ich keine Fehler angzeigt.
Was kann man da machen (außer Verzicht üben) ?
oppa@oppa-hex-ssd:~$ steam
Running Steam on debian 64-bit
STEAM_RUNTIME is enabled automatically
Pins up-to-date!
[2017-10-19 13:56:50] Startup - updater built Oct 13 2017 16:24:02
Looks like steam didn't shutdown cleanly, scheduling immediate update check
[2017-10-19 13:56:50] Checking for update on startup
[2017-10-19 13:56:50] Checking for available updates...
[2017-10-19 13:56:58] Package file bins_ubuntu12.zip.vz.c0efaee68033209ec0ed040 5e07509c30852ef48_16884560 missing or incorrect size
[2017-10-19 13:56:58] Package file bins_pub_ubuntu12.zip.vz.4526e573707e94df80a 9c237e7cdcc9b1670aebb_9045306 missing or incorrect size
[2017-10-19 13:56:58] Package file bins_sdk_ubuntu12.zip.vz.22c9c8aa4ac4e2eac8b b0821195fbbc530f82add_11261193 missing or incorrect size
[2017-10-19 13:56:58] Package file steam_ubuntu12.zip.vz.0b368000dbd265b9aa618f 30c7fd965ecbd7fdf2_1477118 missing or incorrect size
[2017-10-19 13:56:58] Downloading update (0 of 37.761 KB)...
[2017-10-19 13:56:58] Downloading update (899 of 37.761 KB)...
[2017-10-19 13:57:12] Downloading update (37.575 of 37.761 KB)...
[2017-10-19 13:57:12] Downloading update (37.761 of 37.761 KB)...
[2017-10-19 13:57:12] Download complete.
[2017-10-19 13:57:12] uninstalled manifest found in /home/oppa/.steam/package/steam_client_ubuntu12 (1).
[2017-10-19 13:57:12] Found pending update
[2017-10-19 13:57:12] Installing update...
[2017-10-19 13:57:12] Extracting package...
[2017-10-19 13:57:18] Installing update...
[2017-10-19 13:57:18] Cleaning up...
[2017-10-19 13:57:18] Update complete, launching Steam...
[2017-10-19 13:57:18] Shutdown
Restarting Steam by request...
Running Steam on debian 64-bit
STEAM_RUNTIME has been set by the user to: /home/oppa/.steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime
Pins up-to-date!
[2017-10-19 13:57:18] Startup - updater built Oct 17 2017 13:11:11
[2017-10-19 13:57:18] Verifying installation...
[2017-10-19 13:57:18] Verification complete
Sind es die missing blabluppubuntutritratrullalla-Dinger ?
Edit: Die sind's wohl nicht. Wenn ich erneut starte:
oppa@oppa-hex-ssd:~$ steam
Running Steam on debian 64-bit
STEAM_RUNTIME is enabled automatically
Pins up-to-date!
[2017-10-19 14:18:35] Startup - updater built Oct 17 2017 13:11:11
Looks like steam didn't shutdown cleanly, scheduling immediate update check
[2017-10-19 14:18:35] Checking for update on startup
[2017-10-19 14:18:35] Checking for available updates...
[2017-10-19 14:18:35] Download skipped: /client/steam_client_ubuntu12 version 1508273419, installed version 1508273419
[2017-10-19 14:18:35] Nothing to do
[2017-10-19 14:18:35] Verifying installation...
[2017-10-19 14:18:35] Performing checksum verification of executable files
[2017-10-19 14:18:36] Verification complete