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Author Topic: [EN] sddm login screen flashes and disappears before i can enter anything  (Read 16786 times)

Offline mdmarmer

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[EN] Re: sddm login screen flashes and disappears before i can enter anything
« Reply #15 on: 2024/02/23, 17:53:28 »
The workaround fixes the problem on my system.  I did a fresh install from the latest lxqt testbuild, and did d-u right after installation.  My graphics card is AMD R7-200 (HD8670 RS340X).  This is an older Dell desktop with i5-4590 processor.

Offline RanSong

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The note from the bugreport has solved the problem for the time being.

I create a file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-radeonenvrac.conf
with in it:

Section "Device"
     Identifier "radeaonenvrac"
     Driver "radeon"
     Option "Accel" "no"

It really only seems to be a temporary solution, let's hope that the bug will be solved for good.

I would like to thank everyone who sacrificed their free time to fix this bug.


Offline hendrikL

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It would be interesting if this bug hits also a Wayland Session!

Offline RanSong

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Even when I start "Plama Wayland", the start screen animation appears briefly. An error message is displayed very briefly and then it is black.
Error message: 'ksplashqml was terminated unexpectedly'

Offline mdmarmer

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According to the package maintainer, the bug is fixed in mesa (libgl1-mesa-dri and others) version 24.0.3-1 which is in sid as of 15 Mar 2024.  I have not tested it yet. https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1064123#59

Nach Angaben des Paketbetreuers ist der Fehler in der Mesa-Version (libgl1-mesa-dri und andere) 24.0.3-1 behoben, die sich seit dem 15. März 2024 in Sid befindet. Ich habe ihn noch nicht getestet. https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1064123#59
« Last Edit: 2024/03/17, 01:35:35 by mdmarmer »

Offline devil

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I can confirm that.

Offline GoinEasy9

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I have the newer version of libgl1-mesa-dri and libglx-mesa0 and am still getting a blank login screen except for the boxes used to enter the username and password. I can enter the username and password carefully into the boxes, but, cannot see what I am typing. If I type them both correctly lxQT comes up and the OS runs fine. This is on my old Asus EEEpc that's been running siduction lxQT for many years.
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