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Author Topic: [EN] Bug in installer dialog of 2024.01 release?  (Read 393 times)

Offline beaver

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[EN] Bug in installer dialog of 2024.01 release?
« on: 2025/01/05, 11:49:20 »
Ok, so I am rather new to siduction but have the 2023 release running on a machine and now wanted to do a clean reinstallation in the machine using the new release.

Did as last year, i.e. downloaded the iso, wrote it to a bootable USB, booted from that USB device and running the desktop shortcut for "install System". As soon as I reach the mask for entering the credentials, It fails.
No matter what I do, I can insert text in all boxes but not into the "full name" Box. I HAVE to fill that box otherwise the installer won´t let me continue - but I can´t do so, since as soon as I just type any character into the box, the installer dialog closes.

Any ideas?

Offline edlin

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Re: Bug in installer dialog of 2024.01 release?
« Reply #1 on: 2025/01/05, 13:45:32 »
I have not yet noticed such an error with shine-on. Hence a few questions:
Which ISO did you use specifically? For example „siduction-2024.1.0-Shine_on-kde-amd64-202412261719.iso“
Have you checked the image with sha256sum?
How did you create the bootable USB stick? Copy with dd, Ventoy, other tools?

„Ein kluger Mann macht nicht alle Fehler selber. Er lässt auch anderen eine Chance.“

Winston Churchill