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Author Topic:  Hot plugging USB HD  (Read 4733 times)


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Hot plugging USB HD
« on: 2018/12/24, 21:21:35 »
May already been answered, but have not come across it.My old laptop died, but not its HD. Put it in a simple docker that can plug into a USB port.Is there something I can do so that when I plug it in all its partitions come available, without touching fstab?Right now all that comes up is a small temp partition I had setup. the only way to get to the rest is by setting up fstab, then of course boot will call a fit unless I can get the right attributes to either detect it when booting up or when I plug in on the fly.I know about Removable, but it seems that it still will not find anything in it unless I first setup fstab for the first time I use it. then it seems it will work. Any other options?