Hello, I'm a retired software engineer in the US Pacific Northwest, where it's been said to rain all the time. Hence my nickname, and my domain name. I'm a Solus OS user, and in our forum we have a number of threads entitled "Other Interesting Distros, Part
x." I recently reviewed Siduction there, in a VirttualBox VM, and was quite impressed. In fact, I plan to install Siduction on a spare laptop and use it for a while as a daily-driver.
During my exploration I was impressed with Nala, but found one bit of misbehavior I thought I'd share here. When I do an update using
nala update followed by
nala upgrade, the final step is to run dpkg. Twice now, nala (or apt) has gotten stuck at that point. I've waited about 5 minutes the first time, then killed the process. I thought I might have been too impatient, so the second time I wated about 10 minutes. The progress ikons on the left keep moving, but no progress occurs. This is what it looks like at that point. I can always use apt instead, but I like the output that nala creates. Is there anything I can do differently to make this work better?