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Author Topic: [EN] Virtualbox (7.0.10) modules won't compile with Kernel 6.4.10-1-siduction-amd64  (Read 5219 times)

Offline Teriarch

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  • Posts: 51
/usr/src/virtualbox-7.0.10/vboxnetflt/linux/VBoxNetFlt-linux.c line 50 reads:

#if RTLNX_VER_MIN(6,5,0)

But the current kernel is still 6.4. So you have to change the line into

#if RTLNX_VER_MIN(6,4,0)

in order to succeed. The kernel developers moved functions from
<linux/inetdevice.h> to <net/gso.h>, which could otherwise not be found.

Offline DeepDayze

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  • Posts: 461
That patch works for me as well and thanks for sharing this!  8)