Hi, I am trying to boot and install Siduction Cinnamon 202109171713 and first I used dd to put the ISO on the USB stick.
It booted fine, but when it came to showing the desktop it failed to show Cinnamon. Instead I got a black screen on both monitors with a white cursor. After some time, it came to what I think is the wallpaper, but there was no desktop controls (like a panel) and clicking the desktop (right/left) did nothing.
I checked the MD5 and sha256 and they matched the correct values.
I am trying to flash the ISO using BalenaEtcher now, but first time around it said that the verification failed. Second time around, same thing: "Cannot read property 'message' of null" is the error the Etcher program is saying. I'm going to try booting it now and will let you know if anything different happens.