Siduction Forum > Ideas & Improvements

[EN] non-systemd version/S6/universal installer


My first suggestion is a non-systemd version. I have tried S6 recently and the boot speed is amazingly fast, maybe the fastest among all of the init systems, currently only 2 distributions supports S6, I wonder if siduction could make a non-systemd version and shipping with S6 that would be the best.

The second suggestion is a universal installer instead of providing multiple desktop editions. I have tried Endeavor OS and I must say the installer of Endeavor OS is my favorite so far, I can try to install a different desktop environment without being forced to download another iso file and I really like the traditional Gnome2 looking Mate desktop, Mate is super efficient with the traditional menu

The third suggestion is better wireless adapter support on installation media. I downloaded the KDE and XFCE version of siduction, both of the installation process can not recognize my USB Wifi card, that's really inconvenient.


thanks for your suggestions.

1.) Systemd-Free is not going to happen. There are enough distributions out there, who offer that. We like systemd and will not put work into alternatives in this case.

2.) We are actualy thinking about that one.

3.) That is strange. Works for me ootb all the time. Can you specify the hardware, where this happened?

Thank you for your reply, the usb wifi adapter I'm using is Mercury UD13H, it probably has a mediatek mt7612un chip inside

I missed the fact that you are using USB-Wi-Fi from your post. I have not tried a live image with an attached USB Wi-Fi adapter in many years. I have one lying around somewhere. If I can find it, I will see, if it gives me Wi-Fi. Maybe someone else can chime in here, that uses this method more frequently.


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