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Author Topic: [EN] initramfs-tools (0.142) does not install properly  (Read 2544 times)

Offline michaa7

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[EN] initramfs-tools (0.142) does not install properly
« on: 2024/07/16, 12:27:01 »
While full-upgrading the process exited with this error:

Code: [Select]
initramfs-tools (0.142) wird eingerichtet ...                                   
update-initramfs: deferring update (trigger activated)                         
Trigger für initramfs-tools (0.142) werden verarbeitet ...                     
update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-6.9.9-amd64                       
cpio: Fehler beim Schreiben: Auf dem Gerät ist kein Speicherplatz mehr verfügbar
E: mkinitramfs failure cpio 2                                                   
update-initramfs: failed for /boot/initrd.img-6.9.9-amd64 with 1.               
dpkg: Fehler beim Bearbeiten des Paketes initramfs-tools (--configure):         
 »installiertes post-installation-Skript des Paketes initramfs-tools«-Unterprozess gab den Fehlerwert 1 zurück                                                 
Fehler traten auf beim Bearbeiten von:                                         
needrestart is being skipped since dpkg has failed                             
Error: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)   

but, thers is plenty of space, more than 3GB!

~# df -h /boot
Dateisystem    Größe Benutzt Verf. Verw% Eingehängt auf
/dev/sda1        22G     17G  3,2G   85% /

And no other partition is close to being filled up.

I have to assume there is something wrong with the pakage.
Ok, you can't code, but you still might be able to write a bug report for Debian's sake

Offline ro_sid

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Re: initramfs-tools (0.142) does not install properly
« Reply #1 on: 2024/07/16, 13:38:52 »
How about /tmp? Iirc, the initrd gets build there?
Is /tmp a tmpfs? Or separate from /? Was it "very full" when building the initrd?

Offline michaa7

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Re: initramfs-tools (0.142) does not install properly
« Reply #2 on: 2024/07/16, 14:00:48 »
Maybe /tmp or /tmpfs was the problem. I don't remember whether it was 1% used or 1% space available. Yes, that's a difference ;-) . But I wouldn't know how to solve it anyway. Didn't work after reboot either.

I "solved" the problem by issuing
Code: [Select]
apt-get install initramfs-tools=0.143 initramfs-tools-core=0.143 which successfully installed the version from experimental.
Ok, you can't code, but you still might be able to write a bug report for Debian's sake

Offline ro_sid

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Re: initramfs-tools (0.142) does not install properly
« Reply #3 on: 2024/07/16, 16:13:14 »
As long as it works for you :).
Just as an information, for me version 0.142 works without problems.
And I spoke to soon: the initrd gets build in the /boot-directory - I have just tried it.
What you can (always) do is, trying to build an initrd with the "mkinitramfs"-command (e.g. "mkinitramfs -u -k <kernel-version>").