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Upgrade Warnings / Re: boot stockt
« Last post by solo on Today at 11:20:33 »
# systemctl status tmp.mount
Unit tmp.mount could not be found.
# cat /etc/fstab
# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# <file system>             <mount point>  <type>  <options>  <dump>  <pass>
UUID=A0A4-3116                            /boot/efi      vfat    umask=0077 0 2
UUID=c5183c51-8a58-4309-9899-c2b7a90285f3 /              ext4    defaults,noatime 0 1
tmpfs                                     /tmp           tmpfs   defaults,noatime,mode=1777 0 0
Upgrade Warnings / Re: boot stockt
« Last post by solo on Today at 11:11:25 »
Ich konnte im grub boot auswahlmenü "e" (für edit) [statt enter] drücken und in der zeile des kernel startcommands "ro" nach "rw" ändern und mit F10 siduction aufrufen. 
Quote from: hendrikL
Now the challenge is to tell calamares not to generate that fstab entry. on the other hand it doesn't hurt.

Then use the cli-installer, because it did not do this for me in the fstab.   :(
The broken symlink was the reason! Because , if you leave it as is without manual intervention, expect removing that symlink before sd 256rc3-6, we wouldn't  recognise it.
Now the challenge is to tell calamares not to generate that fstab entry. on the other hand it doesn't hurt.
I meant deprecated as a ***neccessary*** means  against wearing out SSD quickly.

And if it serves as a fallback as you state, then I have to ask: Is it clear now what *exacly* causes the hang during boot? The broken systemd link or the tmpfs entry in fstab (as charlyheinz still suggests)?
Upgrade Warnings / Re: system failed to start due to systemd upgrade!
« Last post by ro_sid on Today at 01:33:34 »
Thanks dibl.

Semi-answer:  This tmpfs for /tmp mount line goes back to the days when SSDs were new technology,...
I assume today it is deprecated ?
Why should it be, deprecated? Some programs create a lot of temporary files rather fast and throw them away immediately afterwards, compilers e.g. Doing this in RAM is as well faster as it also means less strain on any physical device.
I do not remember exactly, but I think, around 2012 tmpfs was not that old and may be came out of its testing phase, as it is useful anyhow, especially for /tmp. And as I wrote above, if tmp.mount fails, this entry will still provide /tmp as a tmpfs.
Upgrade Warnings / Re: system failed to start due to systemd upgrade!
« Last post by michaa7 on Yesterday at 22:10:47 »
Thanks dibl.

Semi-answer:  This tmpfs for /tmp mount line goes back to the days when SSDs were new technology,...
I assume today it is deprecated ?

Apparently, at some later time, it was adopted as a default for /etc/fstab in siduction.

So, as far as fstab is concerned the hassle was not on systemd.
Upgrade Warnings / Re: boot stockt
« Last post by michaa7 on Yesterday at 21:39:46 »
Wie beschrieben stockt  boot und ich komme nicht mehr zur Konsole, schaut schlimm aus.

du kannst aber im grub boot auswahlmenü "e" (für edit) drücken und in der zeile des kernel startcommands "ro" nach "rw" ändern wie bereits erwähnt.
Free Speech / Re: siduction mit Gnome?
« Last post by fams on Yesterday at 19:47:45 »
Quote from: fams
Angesichts des alten testbuilds dürfte...

Ich weiß nicht, was daran 'alt' sein soll. Und, ja, nimm einfach die nox, anstatt den Umweg über fluxbox.    ;)

Der Gnome-testbuild ist von Juli 2023, also fast ein Jahr alt...
Free Speech / Re: siduction mit Gnome?
« Last post by unklarer on Yesterday at 19:19:19 »
Quote from: fams
Angesichts des alten testbuilds dürfte...

Ich weiß nicht, was daran 'alt' sein soll. Und, ja, nimm einfach die nox, anstatt den Umweg über fluxbox.    ;)
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