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Author Topic:  Warning: Plasma 6 migrating to Sid  (Read 13038 times)

Offline Isegrimm666

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Re: Warning: Plasma 6 migrating to Sid
« Reply #135 on: 2024/12/25, 12:32:50 »
Ich weiß, du bist ein gebranntes Kind, aber ich sehe nichts, was dein KDE/Plasma komplett zerschießen würde. [...]


Und so war es auch.

Ich habe - zur Sicherheit - vorher noch mit einem
Code: [Select]
systemctl stop sddm die grafische Oberfläche verlassen und das full-upgrade (plus solver) nur aus der tty heraus durchgeführt.

Offline bad_aptitude

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Re: Warning: Plasma 6 migrating to Sid
« Reply #136 on: 2024/12/28, 04:24:30 »
I have had a working Plasma desktop since I dist-upgraded from the latest live iso  2 weeks ago.
Today I did a dist-upgrade with solver 3.0 . This resulted in frozen desktop; though I can still initiate a terminal.
I redid the dist-upgrade without solver and it indicated there were no new files, no files to update and no files to remove. ie the system was up-to-date.

Online Pip

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Re: Warning: Plasma 6 migrating to Sid
« Reply #137 on: 2024/12/28, 10:29:03 »
Perhaps a few more details would be useful, to clarify what's happening for those who can't see it.
Is that a frozen desktop immediately after the upgrade or after a reboot? Does the reboot give any clues of something being wrong with
Code: [Select]
sudo journalctl -xe
sudo dmesg | grep -Ei "error|fail"
What exactly is a frozen desktop? Is the desktop fully presented but the mouse doesn't move and the keyboard doesn't allow you to Alt-Tab to another window? Is it freezing before it's fully presented?
I take it you've re-visited the suggestions edlin made when last you were having problems. Did they show anything or does the frozen desktop block you from doing them?
When you first get to the SDDM  login page, have you tried jumping to a terminal before the login to run journalctl -f and then see what the output is when you do log in?
Sorry for all the questions instead of answers: I'm not of the high-intellectual standard of some folk on here, so I have to start from the basics.

Offline bad_aptitude

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Re: Warning: Plasma 6 migrating to Sid
« Reply #138 on: 2024/12/28, 22:54:46 »
@pip Thanks for the troubleshooting ideas and questions.
The desktop worked after the upgrade but stopped working after I rebooted. I have been using wayland prior to the dist upgrade and continued with wayland after rebooting.  I tried booting the previous kernel but get the same "frozen" result.
sudo journalctl -xe   yielded 
Code: [Select]
ec 28 13:14:24 kent-libux onedrive[6919]: Starting a sync with Microsoft OneDrive
Dec 28 13:14:24 kent-libux onedrive[6919]: Fetching items from the OneDrive API for Drive ID: 1a2a214c4a34ccc8 ..
Dec 28 13:14:24 kent-libux onedrive[6919]: No changes or items that can be applied were discovered while processing the data >
Dec 28 13:14:25 kent-libux onedrive[6919]: Performing a database consistency and integrity check on locally stored data .
Dec 28 13:14:25 kent-libux onedrive[6919]: Scanning the local file system '~/OneDrive' for new data to upload .
Dec 28 13:14:25 kent-libux onedrive[6919]: Performing a last examination of the most recent online data within Microsoft OneD>
Dec 28 13:14:25 kent-libux onedrive[6919]: Fetching items from the OneDrive API for Drive ID: 1a2a214c4a34ccc8 .
Dec 28 13:14:25 kent-libux onedrive[6919]: No changes or items that can be applied were discovered while processing the data >
Dec 28 13:14:25 kent-libux onedrive[6919]: Sync with Microsoft OneDrive is complete
Dec 28 13:15:12 kent-libux systemd[4538]: Started app-org.kde.konsole@4de27878f4214ddc88a6204c7bb3daed.service - Konsole - Te>
░░ Subject: A start job for unit UNIT has finished successfully
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support: https://www.debian.org/support
░░ A start job for unit UNIT has finished successfully.
░░ The job identifier is 585.
Dec 28 13:15:12 kent-libux systemd[4538]: Started app-org.kde.konsole-10781.scope.
░░ Subject: A start job for unit UNIT has finished successfully
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support: https://www.debian.org/support
░░ A start job for unit UNIT has finished successfully.
░░ The job identifier is 608.

sudo dmesg | grep -Ei "error|fail"  yielded
Code: [Select]
[    0.008306] [Firmware Bug]: TSC ADJUST differs within socket(s), fixing all errors
[    3.566044] iwlwifi 0000:00:14.3: firmware: failed to load iwl-debug-yoyo.bin (-2)

My wifi is working since I am writing this from firefox(command line in a console window) on the affected laptop.[I can get a console with "ctl alt t"]
By "frozen" I mean unresponsive desktop and deformed toolbar. Mouse clicks on the desktop have no effect. Also right mouse clicks have no effect. The mouse moves and windows, that were already open, as well as windows opened from command line, behave normally.  I had a dolphin window open from prior to the dist-upgrade and it responds normally. The folders visible on the desktop are not responsive. The desktop wallpaper is as expected; though it was set as a slide show but only one image appears.
The toolbar at the bottom of the screen is unresponsive to mouse clicks and all of the launcher icons are crowded on top of each other. The left side toolbar is missing.
I also tried X windows after trying wayland. X windows showed my left side tool bar but the icons were jumping up and down. Otherwise the desktop was the same as in the wayland session.

Online Pip

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Re: Warning: Plasma 6 migrating to Sid
« Reply #139 on: 2024/12/29, 10:08:44 »
A suggestion for finding out a bit more about where the problem lies: create a new user, then log in as them through SDDM. If the new user has the same problems, it's likely a general problem with your installation. If not, the issue might lie in your own user's configuration.
Is there anything in ~/OneDrive that is part of your configuration? Just wondering about the different ways Linux and Windows have hyphens and quotes stored.

Offline Isegrimm666

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Re: Warning: Plasma 6 migrating to Sid
« Reply #140 on: 2024/12/29, 10:15:09 »
Moin ...

Seit einigen Wochen hängen diese beiden Pakete bei mir immer noch ohne upgrade rum ...
Code: [Select]
Not upgrading:
  libunwind8  r-bioc-biocstyle

Gibt's da mittlerweile was drüber?

Offline edlin

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Re: Warning: Plasma 6 migrating to Sid
« Reply #141 on: 2024/12/29, 10:58:16 »
@Isegrimm666: Nichts Neues.
libunwind8 ist bei mir installiert; hing bei dir wohl wegen der 386er wine-Sachen fest (und macht es wohl noch immer)
Code: [Select]
apt policy libunwind8
  Installiert:           1.7.2-1
  Installationskandidat: 1.7.2-1
 *** 1.7.2-1 500
        500 http://cdn.debian.net/debian sid/main amd64 Packages
r-bioc-biocstyle: Fehlende Abhängigkeiten. Da kannst du nur schauen, ob es was beim Entwickler gibt.
Code: [Select]

Es wurde keine installierbare Version des Pakets r-bioc-biocstyle gefunden, obwohl ein Eintrag in der Datenbank besteht.
Das deutet für gewöhnlich darauf hin, dass das Paket als Abhängigkeit erwähnt, aber nie hochgeladen wurde, dass es veraltet ist oder dass die entsprechende Paketquelle unter »Einstellungen → Paketquellen« fehlt.
Es fehlt wohl gänzlich das Paket r-api-bioc-3.20: https://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=r-api-bioc-3.20&searchon=names&suite=all&section=all

„Ein kluger Mann macht nicht alle Fehler selber. Er lässt auch anderen eine Chance.“

Winston Churchill

Offline bad_aptitude

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Re: Warning: Plasma 6 migrating to Sid
« Reply #142 on: 2024/12/29, 19:17:11 »
@pip  Thanks for the suggestion.
My new user had a functioning desktop. Moreover when I then rebooted into my old user the desktop functioned enough that I could remove what was probably the offending toolbar/launcher.
So problem solved ... for now ;)

Offline debsid

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Re: Warning: Plasma 6 migrating to Sid
« Reply #143 on: 2025/01/07, 11:47:18 »
How are people here dealing with the KMail /Akonadi upgrade issue? On my main laptop, using solver 3.0 seems to give a workable solution, but a pure full-upgrade will remove KMail and various other packages marking loads of packages as automatically installed but removable. On my test laptop, Kmail and Akonadi upgraded just fine.

Offline debsid

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Re: Warning: Plasma 6 migrating to Sid
« Reply #144 on: 2025/01/07, 12:25:35 »
How are people here dealing with the KMail /Akonadi upgrade issue? On my main laptop, using solver 3.0 seems to give a workable solution, but a pure full-upgrade will remove KMail and various other packages marking loads of packages as automatically installed but removable. On my test laptop, Kmail and Akonadi upgraded just fine.

I solved my problem by first issuing
Code: [Select]
sudo apt install kmail, which upgraded KMail and associates,removed some packages but nothing essential, then
Code: [Select]
update and then
Code: [Select]
full-upgrade. Everything seems to have worked.

Offline michaa7

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Re: Warning: Plasma 6 migrating to Sid
« Reply #145 on: 2025/01/07, 12:27:09 »
... pure full-upgrade will remove KMail and various other packages...

Easy. Don't call it pure full-upgrade. Call it soon-to-be-deceased-solver full-upgrade and it should be obvious.

But note: I'm not using KDE.
Ok, you can't code, but you still might be able to write a bug report for Debian's sake

Offline debsid

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Re: Warning: Plasma 6 migrating to Sid
« Reply #146 on: 2025/01/07, 12:52:28 »
... pure full-upgrade will remove KMail and various other packages...

Easy. Don't call it pure full-upgrade. Call it soon-to-be-deceased-solver full-upgrade and it should be obvious.

But note: I'm not using KDE.

I didn't want the solver solution because it wanted to install packages that I don't need such as hugin. My route gave me a cleaner upgrade and things seem to have worked.

Generally, very happy with KDE Plasma 6 with the exception of scaling which is still not working properly under Wayland.

Offline ro_sid

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Re: Warning: Plasma 6 migrating to Sid
« Reply #147 on: 2025/01/07, 15:13:58 »
Everything you use will finally be available (now) after an upgrade again, with one exception: knotes.
All KDE programs have suitable replacements, all libraries, too.
Should you miss a program, you can easily (re-)install it.

I do know, because I did it - but I did it with aptitude, which resulted in not losing/reinstalling a program, because I could interactively upgrade the components until there was no conflict any longer.

Offline debsid

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Re: Warning: Plasma 6 migrating to Sid
« Reply #148 on: 2025/01/07, 16:51:28 »
Everything you use will finally be available (now) after an upgrade again, with one exception: knotes.
All KDE programs have suitable replacements, all libraries, too.
Should you miss a program, you can easily (re-)install it.

I do know, because I did it - but I did it with aptitude, which resulted in not losing/reinstalling a program, because I could interactively upgrade the components until there was no conflict any longer.

I upgraded to Plasma 6 a while ago, but had been waiting for the KMail/Akonadi conflict to be resolved, which, strangely enough, wasn't an issue on the test laptop. With upgrading/installing KMail on its own first, I avoided its removal and full-upgraded the system in a second step. All went well.