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Author Topic: [EN] KDE Plasma 5 packages  (Read 689 times)

Offline debsid

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[EN] KDE Plasma 5 packages
« on: 2024/12/11, 10:37:50 »
I recently upgraded to KDE Plasma 6 but still have 100s of KDE Plasma 5 packages sitting around, almost exclusively libkf5 packages of version 5.115.0. I have, for instance, still the breeze-icon-theme (5.115.0-4) while I also have kf6-breeze-icon-theme (6.8.0-2). Not everything is doppelt, but most are.

Does anyone know how and when they will be removed?

Offline ro_sid

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Re: KDE Plasma 5 packages
« Reply #1 on: 2024/12/11, 10:48:02 »
That depends on if another package just "replaces" the old one or additionally "provides" the "old" functionality. In the latter case, the older package is removed (or offered for removal) immediately. In the former, it stays as long as another package depends on it.

You can have a detailed look about these dependencies with aptitude in "interactive mode".

Offline debsid

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Re: KDE Plasma 5 packages
« Reply #2 on: 2024/12/11, 10:59:40 »
That's what I sort of suspected as almost all are marked as automatically installed, to my mind marking other packages' dependencies. If I understand you correctly, it will take a while for these to be removed, as other packages update their dependencies.

Offline ro_sid

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Re: KDE Plasma 5 packages
« Reply #3 on: 2024/12/11, 11:07:25 »
Yes, all packages marked as "automatically installed" also vanish automatically :) once the last package depending on it vanishes.
But even if installed "manually", you are informed, that it may now be removed.
So it can take some time or you have to give up (some of) those packages that depend on former libraries and so on.

Online Pip

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Re: KDE Plasma 5 packages
« Reply #4 on: 2024/12/11, 12:30:03 »
Have you run
Code: [Select]
sudo apt autoremove and had nothing reported?

Offline edlin

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Re: KDE Plasma 5 packages
« Reply #5 on: 2024/12/11, 12:46:58 »
Auch nach dem Putzen bleibt noch eine Menge an libkf5-Paketen übrig, wie man leicht mit
Code: [Select]
apt search libkf5 --names-only |grep Installiert > /tmp/libkf5.txt && wc /tmp/libkf5.txt
überprüfen kann; bei mir 213 Pakete.

„Ein kluger Mann macht nicht alle Fehler selber. Er lässt auch anderen eine Chance.“

Winston Churchill

Offline debsid

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Re: KDE Plasma 5 packages
« Reply #6 on: 2024/12/11, 12:48:07 »
Have you run
Code: [Select]
sudo apt autoremove and had nothing reported?

Yes, I do that regularly. This is about all the packages I get to see by running:

Code: [Select]
apt list --installed | grep 5.115

Offline debsid

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Re: KDE Plasma 5 packages
« Reply #7 on: 2024/12/11, 12:51:58 »
Auch nach dem Putzen bleibt noch eine Menge an libkf5-Paketen übrig, wie man leicht mit
Code: [Select]
apt search libkf5 --names-only |grep Installiert > /tmp/libkf5.txt && wc /tmp/libkf5.txt
überprüfen kann; bei mir 213 Pakete.


Ich habe nicht manuell geputzt. Lasse das System sein eigenes Ding machen. Hatte mich eher gewundert, wie der Roadmap aussieht.  Bei mir sind es 237 Pakete.

Offline debsid

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Re: KDE Plasma 5 packages
« Reply #8 on: 2024/12/11, 13:00:31 »
To anyone else who reads this thread: Trying to remove these packages will most likely lead to a broken system. Applications like okular, gwenview, kdegraphics etc. have not been updated, at least not here, and require the older libraries. If you remove those libraries, other bits of your system will go too.