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Author Topic: [EN] Netzwerk nur 100MBit/s - Network on XPS13 is connecting only with 100MBit/s  (Read 5761 times)

Offline Lanzi

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  • Posts: 1.785
Auf meinem XPS13 verbindet jedes Netwerk (auch mir verschiedenen Kabeln, nur mit 100Mbit/s.
Kann sein, dass es am Netwerk-> USB Adapter liegt, aber ich habe nun drei getestet und es geht nie schneller. GBit Netwerk wäre hier im Urlaub schon cool. Auf dem Laptop ist ein aktuelles Kubuntu, aber vielleicht weiß ja doch jemand etwas. Ideen?

On my XPS13, every network (even with different cables) only connects at 100Mbps.
It may be due to the network->USB adapter, but I have now tested three and it is never faster. A GBit network would be cool here on holiday. On my Laptop is kubunto running, but maybe anyone knows a solution
Any ideas?

Code: [Select]

  Device-1: Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX201 vendor: Rivet Networks driver: iwlwifi v: kernel bus-ID: 00:14.3
  IF: wlp0s20f3 state: up mac: c4:23:60:f0:4b:9b
  Device-2: Realtek RTL8152 Fast Ethernet Adapter type: USB driver: r8152 bus-ID: 3-4.2.4:19
  IF: enx00e04c3620da state: up speed: 100 Mbps duplex: full mac: 00:e0:4c:36:20:da
  IF-ID-1: ppp0 state: unknown speed: N/A duplex: N/A mac: N/A


Offline eriefisher

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  • Posts: 299
A quick search shows that your adapter is 10/100 so that's it's limitation. The RTL8153 is a 10/100/1000 and would do what you ask.

Offline Lanzi

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  • Posts: 1.785
Wow, are you sure. I cannot believe that. My former XPSs all had Gbit Internet.

Thanks for looking!

Offline eriefisher

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  • Posts: 299
Feel free to double check but like I said a quick search showed the spec. Possibly the XPS came in a few configurations.

Offline ro_sid

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May be it is something else:
I found this link: RTL8152 on Ubuntu 18.04 https://askubuntu.com/questions/1201999/rtl8152-on-ubuntu-18-04
in a different but somewhat similar case, where a RTL8152-based adapter is said to be capable of even 2.5GBit/s, even 3 years ago.

Offline eriefisher

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  • Posts: 299
You might get lucky. Check out the readme.txt for setting the speed.

Offline Lanzi

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  • Posts: 1.785
Which readme.txt are you refering to? On the askubuntu site i found nothing...

Offline eriefisher

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