I do programming on this distro (mostly C and C++)
I would love to see some of your work, not examples from the internet
Because of what you have shown us here on the forum, you need help flushing the toilet, and I am being nice here.
Keep in mind that siduction is the first time I've run linux for an extended period of time (Since september of 2018!) and I've been using windows since I was just 6 years old. I've lived the majority of my life on windows, so must of what i'm used to is GUI-based stuff that's extremely stable and (usually) a little more user friendly.
Yeah, I'm pretty noobish when it comes to being a sid user, but you guys have always been here to help and apart from some misunderstandings here and there it's been pretty good. You guys are usually pretty nice.
It's no secret that the package organization system is large, complicated, and confusing with many caveats that only a seasoned veteran such as yourself would know. I didn't know until recently, for instance, that synaptic was anything more than just a wrapper for apt and I didn't know it could break your system.
In terms of my work...
I have a repository where I keep my OpenGL based rendering engine, which is my pet project right now. Do you want to see that? I'm in the process of cleaning up the code base and adding the last few features in. Benchmarking is also very important, regular performance improvements, and I believe i'm on the verge of inventing a new estimation method for PHONG lighting which could theoretically improve performance threefold.