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Siduction Forum => Software - Support => Topic started by: dibl on 2017/03/18, 11:04:34

Title: [SOLVED] Conky recently broke
Post by: dibl on 2017/03/18, 11:04:34
Has anyone else seen a breakage in conky in the last week, when it was previously working well?

I haven't dug into it -- wanted to check and see if there's a known issue. Thanks.
Title: Re: Conky recently broke
Post by: unklarer on 2017/03/18, 11:54:06
I installed yesterday the conky1.10 in the patience.
The installation was strange in that
Code: [Select]
apt install conkythree packages would be necessary: conky-std, conky-cli and conky-all.

But I needed conky-all, which he simply did not want to do ...

I know why I always keep the 1.9 version.   ;)

You should write what your configuration looks like.

Title: Re: Conky recently broke
Post by: dibl on 2017/03/18, 12:01:31
Quote from: unklarer
I know why I always keep the 1.9 version ....

Uh-oh  --- I think you just found my problem:

Code: [Select]
root@Hibiscus:/home/don# apt policy conky
  Installed: 1.10.6-1
  Candidate: 1.10.6-1

My conky configuration script has not changed in years -- it has been totally stable.

I will try downgrading to 1.9, if I can find it.  Thanks!

EDIT: Nope, the problem is not the version.  Running in terminal, it looks like something coming from the nvidia driver -- like glitchy video memory or something.
Title: Re: Conky recently broke
Post by: unklarer on 2017/03/18, 13:16:23
You can work very well with -DD (debug) in conky.
To do this two consoles open up. In the one you write:  (my paths   ;)   )
Code: [Select]
conky -c ~/S11_and_mobildiesel/bottom_conkyrc10 -DD &
And in the other you write (to kill the process):
Code: [Select]
pkill -xf "conky -c /home/unklarer/S11_and_mobildiesel/bottom_conkyrc10 -DD" &
Title: Re: Conky recently broke
Post by: piper on 2017/03/18, 13:29:21
I haven't ran into any problems

Code: [Select]
piper@x1:~$ apt policy conky
  Installed: 1.10.6-1
  Candidate: 1.10.6-1

( (

Title: Re: Conky recently broke
Post by: unklarer on 2017/03/18, 13:47:21
^ piper, lucky you.   ;D

I just checked on two other machines
Code: [Select]
has been updated this week.

As a result, the permissions for reading the temperature data in Conky are no longer correct.

Is this your error, @dibl?
Title: Re: Conky recently broke
Post by: dibl on 2017/03/18, 16:00:03
No, it's graphics.  The transparent background is replaced by some colorful image -- I see the part of the KDE logo in blue.  The bars and numbers do not disappear after they are written to the screen, so it very quickly builds up every write on top of each other.  In the terminal, while it is running there is an error message
Code: [Select]
** (nvidia-settings:11526): WARNING **: Error retrieving accessibility bus address: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.a11y.Bus was not provided by any .service files
/dev/sdc: open: Permission denied

/dev/sdd: open: Permission denied

/dev/sda: open: Permission denied 6: end: not found
** (nvidia-settings:11550): WARNING **: Error retrieving accessibility bus address: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.a11y.Bus was not provided by any .service files

** (nvidia-settings:11565): WARNING **: Error retrieving accessibility bus address: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.a11y.Bus was not provided by any .service files

** (nvidia-settings:11580): WARNING **: Error retrieving accessibility bus address: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.a11y.Bus was not provided by any .service files

My hard drives that you see in the error message are all fine and mounted.  Maybe it is a regression to this (

EDIT:  Yes, that was one part of the trouble.  Those /dev/sdx permission errors are gone after I did:

Code: [Select]
# chmod u+s /usr/sbin/hddtemp

But the graphics are still borked.

EDIT:  I removed and reinstalled the nvidia-driver and nvidia-kernel-dkms packages, and the module was rebuilt and after a reboot conky runs perfect.  So something went wonky with the nvidia driver, I guess.
Title: Re: [SOLVED] Conky recently broke
Post by: hsp on 2017/03/18, 16:38:53

Which Icontheme you use, very nice?

Title: Re: [SOLVED] Conky recently broke
Post by: piper on 2017/03/19, 00:40:57
Kinda old icons, had them forever, called MIB-Ossigeno-Ultimate-Icons.

What you see on wbar & the taskbar are all customized taken from different icon packs over the years, again old, not a fan of "flat icons".
Title: Re: [SOLVED] Conky recently broke
Post by: sunrat on 2017/07/19, 04:42:48
I finally got Conky to work properly after finding out "to function correctly in KDE own_window_type must be 'dock'".
However I still get endless warnings about nvidia-settings the same as above, when starting from terminal, although it still displays that data correctly.
Code: [Select]
** (nvidia-settings:11550): WARNING **: Error retrieving accessibility bus address: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.a11y.Bus was not provided by any .service filesI could just do 2>/dev/null but it would be better to solve rather than hide.

I probably should have started a new thread but it's partly the same issue.
Title: Re: [SOLVED] Conky recently broke
Post by: unklarer on 2017/07/19, 11:29:25
The error message has nothing to do with Conky.   ;)
Title: Re: [SOLVED] Conky recently broke
Post by: sunrat on 2017/07/19, 11:40:52
I'm calling nvidia-settings from Conky to get GPU info. Here's the relevant conkyrc section:
Code: [Select]
$alignc${color #00ff2a} NVidia ${execi 300 nvidia-settings -q gpus | grep '0] (' | cut -d '(' -f 2,2 | sed -e 's/.\{1\}$//'}
$alignc${color1}Driver       : ${execi 300 nvidia-settings -q NvidiaDriverVersion | grep -m 1 Attribute | awk '{print $4}'}
$alignc${color1}Temperature  : ${execi 2 nvidia-settings -q gpucoretemp | grep -m 1 Attribute | awk '{print $4}' | sed -e 's/\.//'}°C
$alignc${color1}GPU Clock    : ${execi 2 nvidia-settings -q GPUCurrentClockFreqs | grep -m 1 Attribute | awk '{print $4}' | sed -e 's/\.//' | cut -d, -f1} MHz
$alignc${color1}Memory Clock : ${execi 2 nvidia-settings -q GPUCurrentClockFreqs | grep -m 1 Attribute | awk '{print $4}' | sed -e 's/\.//' | cut -d, -f2} MHz
$alignc${color1}Fan speed    : ${execi 5 nvidia-settings -tq [fan:0]/GPUCurrentFanSpeed}%

But yes, you're right about it not being Conky causing the warning, it's nvidia-settings. I may just have to send the warnings to /dev/null somehow. If they are logged it will add up pretty fast.
Title: Re: [SOLVED] Conky recently broke
Post by: sunrat on 2017/07/19, 12:42:35
I found a way to suppress the warnings, add to ~/.bashrc :
Code: [Select]
# fix for WARNING **: Error retrieving accessibility bus address: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.a11y.Bus was not provided by any .service files
export NO_AT_BRIDGE=1

I couldn't find out what it actually does or whether it affects anything else, but it was suggested at a number of sources and now no more warnings.
Title: Re: [SOLVED] Conky recently broke
Post by: piper on 2017/07/19, 20:56:06
sunrat, I wonder if you have nvidia-smi installed and or if make a difference

Ignore version number on link of course

I only call a few things from nvidia-settings

Code: [Select]
# - NVIDIA - #
${voffset -2}${color FF0000}${font Liberation:style=Bold:size=14}GeForce GTX 970   $stippled_hr${color}{font}
${color3}${voffset -4}${font Poky:size=26}N${font}${color}${goto 32}
${font  Liberation:size=12}${color 1E90FF}GPU Temp: ${alignr}${color FFFF00}${color 00FF00}${nvidia temp}${color 00FF00} °C
${color 1E90FF}Used: ${alignr}${color FFFF00}${color 00FF00}${execi 5 nvidia-settings -q [gpu:0]/UsedDedicatedGPUMemory -t} / ${exec nvidia-settings -q [gpu:0]/TotalDedicatedGPUMemory -t} MiB
${color 1E90FF}Nvidia Driver Version:${alignr}${color FFFF00}${color 00FF00}${exec nvidia-settings -q 0/NvidiaDriverVersion -t}
${goto 0}${color6}${cpubar cpu5 1,400}${color}
Title: Re: [SOLVED] Conky recently broke
Post by: sunrat on 2017/07/20, 03:52:30
@piper - I just now commented the line in .bashrc and installed nvidia-smi. Warnings came back so it doesn't help.

Edit - looks like it  may work independent of nvidia-settings. I'll have to read the doc and look into it further. Current config works ok for now.
Title: Re: [SOLVED] Conky recently broke
Post by: piper on 2017/07/20, 23:01:12
Thanks for checking that out sunrat, I knew you could revert back easily if no change ;)