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Author Topic: [EN] [Solved] Few warnings with today's dist-upgrade  (Read 1944 times)

Offline micspabo

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[EN] [Solved] Few warnings with today's dist-upgrade
« on: 2024/06/01, 13:51:22 »
Code: [Select]
# apt update && apt dist-upgrade
dpkg: warning: old file '/sbin/mkfs.jfs' is the same as several new files! (both '/usr/sbin/jfs_mkfs' and '/usr/sbin/mkfs.jfs')
dpkg: warning: old file '/sbin/jfs_mkfs' is the same as several new files! (both '/usr/sbin/jfs_mkfs' and '/usr/sbin/mkfs.jfs')
dpkg: warning: old file '/sbin/jfs_fsck' is the same as several new files! (both '/usr/sbin/fsck.jfs' and '/usr/sbin/jfs_fsck')
dpkg: warning: old file '/sbin/fsck.jfs' is the same as several new files! (both '/usr/sbin/fsck.jfs' and '/usr/sbin/jfs_fsck')

Trying to find out which are the old files,-
Code: [Select]
# ls --color --time-style=long-iso --group-directories-first -lhag /sbin/mkfs.jfs
  -rwxr-xr-x 2 root 59K 2024-05-31 17:37 /sbin/mkfs.jfs

# ls --color --time-style=long-iso --group-directories-first -lhag /usr/sbin/jfs_mkfs
  -rwxr-xr-x 2 root 59K 2024-05-31 17:37 /usr/sbin/jfs_mkfs

# ls --color --time-style=long-iso --group-directories-first -lhag /usr/sbin/mkfs.jfs
  -rwxr-xr-x 2 root 59K 2024-05-31 17:37 /usr/sbin/mkfs.jfs

I am lost as all have the same timestamp.
What do I have to do in this case to cleanup behind D-U?
« Last Edit: 2024/06/04, 11:21:55 by micspabo »
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Offline edlin

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Re: Few warnings with today's dist-upgrade
« Reply #1 on: 2024/06/01, 14:49:55 »
/sbin sollte nur ein Link auf /usr/sbin sein. Das heißt, physisch liegen die Dateien unter /usr/sbin. Damit ist es auch normal, dass es sich um dieselben Dateien mit dem gleichen Zeitstempel handeln muss.
Code: [Select]
edlin@Devil:~$ ls -l / |grep sbin
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root        8 16. Aug 2023  sbin -> usr/sbin

Der Kluge lernt aus allem und von jedem,
der Normale aus seinen Erfahrungen
und der Dumme weiß alles besser.


Offline micspabo

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Re: Few warnings with today's dist-upgrade
« Reply #2 on: 2024/06/01, 15:15:38 »
Das sich die Katze da selber in ihren Schwanz beißt habe ich nicht geblickt.
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