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Author Topic: [EN] How to fix Kröhnkite after upgrading to Plasma 6  (Read 371 times)

Offline DrJuanNadie

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[EN] How to fix Kröhnkite after upgrading to Plasma 6
« on: 2024/11/28, 04:17:58 »
After upgrading to Plasma 6, the Kwin extension Kröhnkite for windows tiling was not working and seemed uninstalled (it didn't appear among the installed Kwin scripts). To fix it, I followed these steps:
  • Manually delete the directory ~/.local/share/kwin/scripts/krohnkite (make a backup copy first, just in case).
  • Resintall Kröhnkite using the GUI: 1) System Settings > Windows Management > KWin Scripts > Get New... 2) Search for "Kröhnkite." 3) Install it. 4) Click Apply.
  • If it doesn't start automatically, deselect it, click Apply, select it again, and click Apply again.
  • Manually edit the file ~/.config/kglobalshortcutsrc (make a backup copy first, just in case). Delete the entries that start with "Krohnkite:" below the section "[kwin]" as they are now obsolete. The corresponding new ones start with "Krohnkite<Something>:".
  • Reboot.
  • Re-enter your custom shortcuts using the GUI: System Settings > Keyboard > Shortcuts > KWin.
I hope this is useful. Remember to always make backup copies of things before changing stuff.