Sorry this isn't Siduction, but this is just Debian Testing.
Running Sparky. fork of Debian Testing Branch. Latest version.
I had to install a dependency, so after that, everything just started to go wonky. Some icons weren't on my desktop panel. Some programs just plain stopped working.
So I restart my system, thinking that might fix it.
But after restart, it took me to the login screen. I never saw this, as I set it to login automatically. I tried to put in my username and password, did flat out nothing. Didn't print out an error that I mistyped it.
I then thought of going into TTY1. All I see is a blinking "_" So I could never log into it.
I DO have timeshift backups, but the thing is, I cant even get into the system. TTY1 or TTY2.
If any of you can help with this, I'd be grateful. I might just need to reinstall. I've been wanting to for ages, but been pushing it off until now.
I looked around the net, there's nothing that I find that can help.

Edit: I'm just running Siduction off a USB stick. So I haven't written anything to the M.2 SSD yet. (been wanting to try it out)